Getting Started With Options (Week 3 of 12) (2024)

well good morning everyone welcome to

getting started with options my name is

Barbara Armstrong I'm a coach with

Schwab I'm delighted that you are all

choosing to join me this morning to talk

about the dark side well it's not really

the dark side but it's about trading

stocks or indexes perhaps that are

moving to the downside and you may say

Barb did you not get the memo the market

has been hitting all-time highs and yes

it has but you know what what goes up

may come down and the most successful

year that we have ever had in trading or

trading a smaller account was the year

that the S&P was down

% and the uh NASDAQ was down and

how did we do that well we looked into

our kitbag of trading strategies and we

pulled out the strategies that work well

when the market is falling and buying a

put which in Trader speak is called a

long putut is one of those strategies

and we use this strategy a lot along

with another strategy that we're going

to talk about in an upcoming class

called a long put vertical which is a

way that we can you know more affordably

perhaps trade a a more expensive stock

that's moving to the downside so today

that's what we're talking about we're in

the third week of our -week rotation

I'm delighted that you guys are all here

AP I love your energy he like woo

it's class you know so hello to AP and

Terrence and and Marcus and Paul and

Austin and and Kevin and Greg and David

and and Larry and Life in the Fast Lane

I love some of the handles and the rest

of the gang um we also have Mike

Fairbourn with us he is very um

knowledgeable in the world of options

and so if you have any questions don't

hesitate to ask you can also ask those

questions down in the comment section if

you're watching this as most people do

in the archives if you love the class

you can put that comment in there too

every comment helps move this up in the

YouTube algorithm so that more people

can find this uh content but I I do

check those comments on a daily basis so

it's another uh a way to get your

questions answered also you can join us

in the land of Twitter now known as X U

my handle is Barb Armstrong CS uh Mike's

handle at Mike Fairbourn CS for Charles

Schwab um just know that we are posting

content on a daily basis that is helpful

and informative if you're interested in

the world of trading and um it's another

free resource you can take advantage of

okay know that options as much as I find

options fascinating um know that they do

carry a high level of risk and they are

not necessarily suitable for all

investors and if you want to trade

options through Charles Schwab you have

to apply for option trading privileges

so I'd hate for you to you know practice

like crazy in your paper money and then

go to place your first live trade and

not have it go through because you

haven't requested option trading

privileges so just be aware of that um

also know there are transaction fees

with uh placing option trades and so we

we want to take those into account we

use the paper money software application

um you know uh the platform um

application and it is a brilliant place

to learn where you aren't you know

making a mistake that can cost you real

money potentially become familiar with

the platform become familiar with the

trading strategies before you consider

trading them in a live account know that

all investing involves risk including uh

the loss of principal and when we put a

stoploss order in or even a Target in

there is no guarantee that we're going

to get out at exactly that price so

that's important to know because stocks

can gap on occasion either up or down

now I have designed this class and as

most of you know I'm um you know I am a

student of this education um you know I

learned what I know about the markets

through watching Mike Fairbourn and

James Boyd and all the other coaches um

and I found this back in

and joined as a coach in so

you know today we are you know I've

created this we rotation we're on week

three today but kind of the goal is is

by the end of week down here you'll

if you're new to all of this you'll have

a better idea of which strategies you

want to focus on First and don't make

the mistake I did of going through a

we rotation and maybe a course on

options and then thinking you should be

able to trade all um I encourage you

pick one or two strategies so if you

have a a a large account you might be

interested you know if things start

going sideways in the covered call

strategy and and you might say well Barb

I'm just starting and I've got five

grand and I'm not going to be buying a

shares of anything for a while but

I'd like to grow my account well then

you might be really interested in these

in these long vertical strategies and

these short vertical strategies and also

these long puts and long calls and you

know each one of these classes has a

companion class that focuses strictly on

those strategies you know so um that's

kind of the goal of this we rotation

okay so what are we going to look at

specifically today well today we are

looking at buying puts or long puts what

it means when we buy a put like what are

we even getting ourselves into why a

Trader might consider using that

strategy we're going to look at some

potential entry signals that we might

see when we look at a chart and then

look at which expiration dates we might

choose and why and which strike prices

might be appropriate and if some of this

is new terminology to you don't worry

we're going to go through it if you're

here joining us for the first time feel

free to type a greeting into the chat so

we can welcome you we're going to

discuss some trade management and and

then some exit strategies okay and then

we're going to go in and we're going to

both place an example trade and we're

going to look at a trade that we placed

in this class A couple of weeks ago as

an example trade which happened to be a

long put and um I'm going to show you

how you can add a a Target to a trade

that's already uh been placed okay so

what does it mean to buy a put when we

buy a put and and this is kind of

counterintuitive for some people um but

when we buy a put it is giving us the

right but not the obligation well what

does that mean it means if we're wrong

we can walk

away you know we can walk away and our

risk is defined but we it gives us the

right to sell the stock at the strike

price at any time up until the

expiration date of this put that we have

bought and what are what is our goal

well our goal is to benefit from the

downward movement of a stock you know or

you could do this with an exit but what

is the gotcha even though I said you can

walk away but when you walk away it's

limited risk but you could lose the

entire amount amount that you paid to

get into this trade okay so that's

important for us to understand because

when it comes to position sizing or

knowing how much we're willing to risk

um we don't want to risk more than we

can afford to lose so if you have a

$, account you may not want to buy a

put on booking which costs like $, a

share maybe you know because that put

might cost you you know

$, um so you know you want to have

an idea you know of how much you want to

risk and so I had to draw this out when

I got started because you know it just

didn't make sense to me otherwise so if

you have a stock that's downtrending and

then let's say it rallies for a couple

of days what I'm drawing here is what

they call a bare flag so it falls it

tries to rise and then it starts to fall

again tries to rise starts to fall and

we could say you know what I'm looking

at this and I'm thinking it might be

continuing to fall so I am going to buy

a put right here at at close to the

price where it's currently trading so

let's say I buy this put at

bucks and I pay $ for this put I've

bought and let's just say I'm right the

trader is right and the stock continues


fall and let's say to make the math easy

for me it goes goes down to

well I have the right to sell the

stock at so I could go out and buy a

shares because you know one option

in a standard contract represents

shares so I could go out and buy

shares at which would cost me

, and I could turn around and sell

them I could put the stock to someone at

, and how much would I have made

well I'd have made $, so am I happy

of course I'm happy I am a I am doing

The Jig you know I am dancing in the

streets now I did pay

for this option right $ a share so

my net gain is going to be

$ because I've got to take off the

that we spent to buy the option but

you know that's a % return

okay now what if you say but Barb I I

like , that would like be my whole

account I can't afford or maybe you have

a $, account I can't afford to buy

$, worth of stock to put it to

someone so does this mean I can't buy a

put of course not because what some

people will do is they will buy an

option for $ a share remember there's a

little dot there and their goal is to

just sell it for a higher amount and if

this stock has gone down to well the

stocks this option has got to be worth

at least $ right so we could just take

the put that we bought for two sell it

for you know and it could be worth a

little bit more than that if it still

has a couple of weeks to expiration

because there could be time value in it

and how much have I made I've made the

same amount $ a share or

$ so you have choices okay so what if

we're wrong I know you may say highly

unlikely like haven't you been doing

this for a while how could you be wrong

well trust me um mistakes are made and

and it doesn't matter how great you are

at technical analysis maybe they this

company comes out with some news and all

of a sudden you know they're being

bought by another company and their

stock like goes up a crazy amount

overnight well and you know it doesn't

have to go up all the way to you know

it could go up to

and if you're close to expiration you

know you have the right to sell the

stock at but if it's trading at

why would anybody want to buy your you

know your put from you if you're trying

to sell it so and especially if this is

close to expiration if it ends up above

this is going to go down in value you

know and you know could expire

worthless if this is at expiration and

this has gone up in fact if it went up

to it might be worth a nickel even if

you had time to

expiration okay so this is you know what

buying a put we are bearish meaning we

are expecting the stock to go down in

value all


okay so and just to review because I've

already covered some of these things but

you know what is what would our Max gain

be well our Max gain would occur if the

stock went all the way to zero um and is

that likely you know maybe not but I've

seen stocks that have had Great Falls um

and I can show you a couple of examples

of that but your max gain would be you

know if the stock went all the way to

zero and so if we had a stock that was

$ in our example and we paid $ for


call our Max gain would be

okay would be $ a

share okay so and and what we're really

trying to do is benefit from something

that is moving uh you know moving down

that is falling in value and it

typically this is a shortterm trade or

maybe an intermediate term trade so days

to weeks it is typically when someone

will use this type of strategy and how

much could we lose the entire amount we

could lose

% And so when we position size we

plan we position size based on losing

% and you might say well what if I

put in a stop and say hey if it loses

half value I'd like to get out like

shouldn't I position size based on that

well you can it's it's your trading plan

you can you can do do whatever you like

but if it gaps down you could end up out

more or you know

so you may want to air on the side of

caution is time our friend it is not my

friend time is not a friend when we are

buying anything because there's

something called time Decay and as we

get closer and closer to expiration that

time Decay accelerates so we're we're

happy about time Decay when we're

selling something because we want to

sell it higher and buy it back lower but

when we're buying time is not our friend

and what's our break even it's the

strike price minus what we paid you know

so we want it to fall below

$ a

share is the goal

okay so for me the magic is in seeing it

on the charts and placing a trade but

before we get to that there are four

components to a trading plan and for

every strategy you trade you might want

to consider creating a trading plan so

one create it and then two follow it and

a trading plan is always going to have

four components so one is going to be

what to buy two is going to be when to

buy it three is going to be how much to

buy or position sizing and the fourth

thing is going to be when do you exit

the position whether the trade is going

for you or against you okay so four

components and why am I bringing that up

now well because we're looking at the

first sorry I keep forgetting to erase

my screen so we're looking at the first

two components so this is the what to

buy when we're looking at buying a

put and then this section here is the

when to

buy so we have four components this is

one and two so when we get out there we

are looking look for stocks that appear

to be moving to the downside or are at

least bearish to neutral and why do I

say bearish to neutral well because if

something is moving sideways like

this and we see it turning over so this

is kind of bouncing off a resistance so

if we see this you know could we buy a


here and then sell it when it comes down

and bounces off support we could

so we can use this when something's

going sideways so we want stocks that

have a higher trading volume um and

first of all we want it to be

downtrending and then why do we care

about the trading volume because it if

this we're not buying or selling stock

we're doing an we're we're buying or

selling an option but if you have stocks

that trade say a million shares a day or

more and you know I've seen um James

Boyd do searches where it's million

you you can again you can make this what

you want

um but if you say I want this stock to

trade a million shares a day or more for

options you know I want the trading

volume to be high and why do we care

about that and on the trading platform

that's called open interest which is the

number of contracts that were on the

books when the market opened and volume

is the number of contracts um that have

traded today we might say well we want

this to be at least times and we want

that because when we go to sell this we

want there to be you know lots of action

happening on that stock at that strike

at that expiration so that we can more

easily get in and out and then the other

piece is that if we have this and this

we're more likely to have this which is

the bit that we have to pay the market

maker the difference between the bid in

the ask spread and we might ideally want

that to be pennies apart but we might

say as a as a GU line we want it to be

less than % so if you have an option

that costs $ you want the bid ask

spread to be within cents of each

other okay and then on our when to buy

if we're looking at something breaking

below support and I have another chart

on that but if we use this chart here

let's say it came

down and then bounced and then broke

below this this is considered to be

support and or or the floor and

resistance is the ceiling so if it

breaks below support that could be

considered an entry right here or if it

um so that's this one or bouncing off

resistance that's this

one and then the bare flag pattern is

the one that I just drew out it's this

guy here and we look at for a close

below the low of the high day we call

that a

Cod you know so you know sometimes like

there is terminology in the world of

trading so Julio is is asking a question

and his question is how do you find a

stock to buy a put on and and I as I'm

going through my day I look at a lot of

different stocks and so I am looking for

stocks that are trading bearishly and

and I just create a list so that I have

something that I could use as an

example but you can create searches as

well um to find things that are


okay yeah if you're new to technical

analysis there is a class it's I think

it's taught now

today's um and you can check that out

it's taught on Tuesdays so here here are

some examples so here's our bare flag

example you know and like the ones that

I drew out and this is a a real

chart um I forget this is on but you had

something that was downtrending tried to

rally for a few days and then it fell

again so this would be considered an

entry because this was our high day


here and on this day it closed below the

low of the high

day and then we had something going

sideways and then it broke below support

and so that could be considered an entry



okay okay let's go out and look at the

charts and when we come out to look at

the charts we're going to also look at

the option chain and we're going to look

at strike you know which strike is most

appealing it's typically something close

to where it's currently trading so it's

the at the money strike or the first

strike in the money we're going to look

at an exporation date we typically want

to be at least weeks out or days

out plus however many days we think it


take for that stock to reach our Target

if we're putting a Target in um as

opposed to doing a trend trade so we

might want to be like to days out

um we want to look for a stock that is

bearish or in a in a big sideways

pattern and we're going to position size

based on Max loss

okay okay so I'm going to come back to

this because I'd rather have us place um

a a trade first and we are going to look

at you know having a Target on a trade

and then you know we we talk more about

the details on this in the long option

class which has just mooved from Mondays

to Thursdays it's now going to be

Thursdays at and taught by Connie Hill

um we may choose to exit if something

you know loses say with a swing trade we

put a stop in if something loses % of

its value um and we may want to with our

ATR strategy we start moving the stop

up on a daily basis as it approaches the

target to reduce the risk or reduce

perhaps if we have a profitable trade

ending up giving up our profit and so if

we place a trade let me just kind of

draw out this idea so let's say we have

a stock that is

falling and so

we have a um a put that we buy our put

here at and let's say it continues to

fall and our Target is to get out at

and and there may be a reason maybe

there was a previous low over here of

so that's why we have our Target this is

our Target and then maybe it rallies for

a couple of days our first stop we might

have put our first stop Above This High

to say hey if it goes above this High we

want to exit and then when it rallies

and then starts to fall

again you might say you know what even

if this is a trend trade we're going to

take and move our stop up to here and

then if it continues on

down and then it moves up again and

starts to fall we're say you know what

I'm going to move my stop up again so we

can adjust our stop as it approaches our

Target and that's you know just another

part of your trading plan you know when

to adjust your stops and you know what's

your target going to be what's your exit

and this you know was our first

exit this was our first

exit and then we adjusted it we moved it

up and we made this our second exit and

then this our third exit it until it

comes and hits our Target and if it gets

partway down and instead of coming and

hitting and hitting our Target and

then we're out and you know there's

there's laughter in the streets and

everybody's doing the happy dance but it

maybe it comes down here and it doesn't

quite get to our Target and it comes up

and it hits our

stop you know we might still be out with

a profit or it might come down here to

and then look like it's not not going

to come all the way and start to bounce

and we might say hey you know what it

came close enough we're going to take

this profit and we're going to go in and

cancel these orders and just get out and

that's totally legitimate too so this is

our trade management

piece okay okay so let's go out to the

chart and the first one that I want to


at is uh

schlum and schlum is in the energy

sector and when as someone asked the

question you know how do you find things

what I did was for this morning just

full reveal I came out to public um S&P


indices and then I brought up and and

what I did I customize this and I've

done these many sessions and I showed

you how to create this in one of the

many sessions and when we're done our

example I'll show you how you can go

find those but I said okay which sectors

have been the strongest over the last

three months and if I was doing a

bullish trade I might look for something

in financials technology or Industrials

but which ones have really been at the

bottom of the barrel and that's

utilities energy and real estate so one

of the things I did is I went and

created a list of all the stocks in the

energy sector and you can really easily

do a scan to find those and create a


list and I came down and I said show me

all the stocks in the energy sector now

that I know that this is one of the

weakest sectors because I'm more likely

to find a stock that is


here and so when we look at schlum it

hit a high of

and it has come all the way down to

and then it's

bounced but you know if we're looking

for Bare flag examples do you see some

here I you know we see pardon me guys um

we see quite a few don't we so you know

it fell tried to rally for a few days

fell again tried to Rally fell again

tried to Rally fell again and then it

looked like oo are things changing

because it it rallied and we actually

this is a you know a high lower high

lower high this is a higher this is a

higher high so then we had a higher high

it came down to a support level now we

have a lower high comes back to the same

support level now we have yet again a

lower high could it come back to this

support level a third time and kind of

Kiss there and so could we do a trade

it's trading at

and even put a Target in here of

around this Mark and the answer is

well you know it's a possibility as as

um Wy would say so when we look at our

low here it was

and this low was I'm just hovering

over at

and then it came down again to

even and and so could we come out and

look at this and say could we just do

this would be called a swing trade where

we are buying a put and saying you know

if it comes back to here we'd like to

exit that this would be our Target


$ or you might even make it if it

comes close you know we would like to

exit and so it let's see if it meets our

parameters so if we look at you know

what to buy um we're going to go and

look at that in a sec but when we look

at when to buy is the stock downtrending

check now I often you know with my

recipe or trading plan I also put

something in that says is the market

downtrending and is the sector

downtrending now this sector you know

over the last three months has been one

of the the weakest sectors but the

market overall is uptrending so that is

not a check but this stock is

downtrending so check and then do we

have this pattern where we have a high

and a lower high you know something that

even if it's starting to base do we have

an entry do we have this Cod a close

below the low of the high day we

do cuz here was our high day we actually

had that close Below on

Friday okay so we've got that Clos below

the low of the high

day there's our D okay this time all a

Ras before we go before we go on okay so

we're going to come to the trade tab now

remember when we

said what do we what are we looking for

well we're looking for a stock that

trades a million shares a day or more so

do we have that

that yeah check it's already at

million do we have if we come out and

we want to come out at least days in

fact I'm going to have

to close this we're going to close this

and this we're going to come out to

April so this gives us days and

although we're only intending to be in

this for a few days if we come out a

little further our time time Decay is

going to tick away at a slower pace and

so that's to our advantage so if if

we're coming back to our checklist and

we say you know does it trade a million

shares a day or more check if we look at

a strike and it's trading at

close to where it's currently

trading so either the

um or the you know is do we have

lots of contracts at these strikes and

the answer is yes we do and if we look

at you know which one is the closest

it's probably this

so is the bid ask spread tight and

we want this to be less than cents

and it's two cents so you know it's


apart what is our Delta our Delta is

Cent so it means for every it's minus

so it means for every dollar this stock

drops the value of this option um will

go up by

C okay it also tells us that we have and

this is just a guesstimate like a %

probability of this being in the money

come April th and we we don't have any

intention of still being in you know

having this put come April th we just

want to be in it for a few days and see

if it will just kind of come down and if

it bounces we're okay we'd like to see

it come down and hit that say Mark

and then we're going to take our profit

and go okay so how do we put that trade

in well we are going

to and if we were trading this in our

trading a smaller account class we've

got about $, in that class so we

can in that account we can RIS

up to

$ and so how many of these could we

do we could do

three okay and that would be about

$ to

$ so we're going to rightclick here

and we are going to buy custom with an

Oco bracket what does that mean it means

we're going to put in both a Target and


exit and so when we come down here we're

going to say well I don't know exactly

what this is going to be worth because I

wanted get out um if and when schlum

comes down to

$ so I just want it to drop about a

dollar so I'm going to come to

Market good till

cancelled and then it's going to bring

up a screen where I can put in my

condition and my condition is that I

want this stock to hit


below so and then when you come down

here you'll see it says the security is

less than or equal to

we're going to

save and then our stop is going to be if

this loses half its value and becomes

worth about CS it's probably not

going in the right direction or not

going in the right direction fast

enough and so when we hit now confirm

and send and we want to make this three

and these three if I click this little

paperclip it will have our quantities

match so when I come to confirm and send

how much are we risking here well we

want to buy because we're

bearish three puts on schlum at

the strike that expires in

April we want to exit if and or when

schlum comes down to

how much are we risking

$ how much could we make well if it

goes to zero we could make

, but we're not going to wait until

it goes to zero we're just going to wait

for it to go down and this is called a

swing trade to the recent low so we're

going to put this in our long put bucket

and we're going to put a note into

ourself that says hey this is a swing

trade now we could put in a trailing

stop but the problem with that is if we

have a day where we have a big wick and

it moves a lot we could end up stopped

out even if the trade is still heading

towards the target so you might say well

this is only a dollar move Barb that's

not much like how much could we make if

this goes down and hits our Target and I

like that question I like the way you're

thinking so let's put this in and you

know and it's saying here you always

want to read the notes at the bottom you

know there could be wide markets or

liquidity risks which means we we might

have trouble getting you out of this and

we'll do our

best but there are no guarantees so now

we've bought this put so if we want to

see how much we might make we can come

up here to the layout and we are going

to click on that and click Theo price

and when we do that the first thing we

do is we hit reset so it says okay it's

September th let's say March st it

hits our Target so that's Friday if on

March st it hits our Target and our

Target was um so let's say it comes

down by

$ oops I need to put a minus in front


that when I hit enter it now says

so we need to make that one we'll

make it

so now it's trading at it will have

hit our Target and triggered an exit and

what you'll notice now when I click

outside of the box is that now there's a

new um there's a new column right here

that says Theo price and you know we

paid let's say you know between $ and

a to get into this it would now be

worth a about

$ and so let's just round and say if

we're up

and you know we paid a to get

in and I'm rounding so this is like just

a guesstimate what might our return on

our risk be it might be about

% for a trade that we would be have

been in for days now the longer takes

to hit the target the more time Decay is

going to be chipping away at it and if

volatility goes up or down that can

influence the price so this is just kind

of a a guesstimate if you will it it's

certainly not a guarantee but it just

shows you how sometimes small moves you

know can be profitable and and if you're

saying well that's a $ gain well it is

but it's a $ gain and we did three

contracts and were we to make $ on

this account this account started at

, so you know we're looking at that

and we're going to call that a base hit

because if it were that would be %

of our starting account

value okay so how did I adjust the O

price I'm going to do a mini session on


that um so you know there will be a

little like -minute video on it but I

came to layout the old price and let's

say you know we put a Target in to get

out of it loses half its value but let's

say it goes up by a dollar

instead by Friday how would that impact

our price so I just added that then you

hit enter and you'll see it says

and now this thing is it's fallen

in value from $ to

a okay so if it goes up a dollar it

we would lose

remember that Delta was around and

this is showing us that you know that's

in that ballp

part okay okay so we have just a few

minutes left one of the things that I

said I wanted to show you was um how to

access um this Channel and one you're

going to want to hit subscribe so I mean

that's that's the first thing so two

then you just bring up a new screen type

in YouTube when you get to YouTube and

I'll just walk you right through it when

you get to

YouTube you want to type in Trader

talks okay and we want Trader talks

webcast from

Schwab but if you hit the Subscribe

button it's going to make it easier for

you to find and then when you hit this

Trader talks you're going to come to

playlists so you you'll always see from

your home here that you know what's

being taught now or what what's up next

and then if you come to playlist I have

these little mini sessions and I'll put

a link in in the show notes down below

so if you're watching this again you can

find them I'll also put a link into this

at the very end of the webcast but if

you click view full playlist remember I

said that I had created a little video

on um on how to customize that watch

list well there it is and then there's

one on how to customize and create

groups in the monitor tab so there's

that one there's one on how to um

customize your

chart this one just posted yesterday you

know I have something that I call barbs

Basics and it's just how to customize

the option chain and some other features

that are really handy to be aware of um

and remember how we put a note in well

how do you see that note again there's a

little mini session on notes also so

there's all kinds of stuff um you know

if you like the

um the some of the stuff I have on my

chart you know how to add scripts so

there's all you can go and binge watch

you know and it would only take you an

hour to probably watch all of them okay

or if you want to go back because this

is a we series you can come down to

the getting started with options and you

can see you know we here's you know

we've got week five we started with week

one You know you can go through

the whole series if you don't want to

have to wait to join us week to week and

like Dave is saying this is his third

time through and every time you come

back and go through this series you're

going to learn more because you know

more so you're going to hear things

differently or you're going to hear

something and get it that maybe just

went in one ear and picked up speed the

first time and I I mean I know in in my

learning curve whether it it's been you

know learning you know more about skiing

or learning how to trade that there are

sometimes I had to hear things from

multiple different coaches multiple

different times before it was like oh

now I get it so all I can say is guys if

it feels like you've been drinking out

of a fire hose just keep coming back now

um we're almost out of time but I wanted

to look at Triple M and this one was in

the other account we placed this a

couple of weeks ago on February th

when we come to the monitor tab we can

see that we bought a put and we're

underwater a little bit we're down

$ on this a demanding so I'm going to

ask three things of you one make sure

you hit the subscribe to um make sure

you hit the like button what that does

is it it lets Mike and I know that you

found this content valuable it also

helps move things up in the YouTube

algorithm so that more people can find

this content um so hitting like does me

a favor and you may be doing a favor for

a random stranger that you'll never meet

um and then last but not least you're

going to want to follow us in the land

of X so Barb Armstrong Cs and Mike

Fairbourn CS so we've done what we set

out to do we've talked about what a long

put is what it means when we buy a put

oh so I put in the right I put in the

wrong price sorry guys um we've we've

looked at the basics of how we might

choose a strike we've followed our steps

and placed an example long put trade and

our example today was

schlum and then we looked at how we

could add an exit to an already existing

order so thanks so much for joining us

have an awesome day up next is trading

flags with Ben Watson you'll want to

stick around for that and huge thanks to

Mike Fairbourn for answering your many

questions in the chat take care everyone

bye for


Getting Started With Options (Week 3 of 12) (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.