The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


PRESS OF WAD. Daily, city Mail 00 Tri-Weekly, city, It 3 3 00 50 Mail 2 00 the receipts. Crime in Cujahoga. The New Post Office Law. Ve glean the following details of the Bill from ou' Section Washington the first provides Exchanges: that after the 2 20th Jine, 1851, the postage on a letter sent through 10 mail, and not weighing more than half an ance, shall be throe cents; and the same for Additional half ounce or fraction of a half ounce; that no post -office or mail route shall be discontinued; and that the compensation of no postmier shall be diminished in consequence of tho passing of the act.

Section the -cond fixes the postage on newspapere, magazines and other periodicale, and priated books, at one ent for every newspaper weighing two ounces, and an additional cent for every additional ounce, and that books weighing Not oror thirty ounces be deemed mailable matter. farther provides, that newspapers circulaied within the State Territory where printed, shall pay half such postage, and wheu mailed within the county, or within thirty miles of the place where printed, shall circulate free of postage, when gent to subscribers direct; and further that when the postage on magazines and other periodicals shall have been prepaid, such postage shall be reduced. Section the third prescribes that a coin of three cants in value shall be prepared, with a metallic inscription, three- fourths of silver and onefourth of copper, to weigh twelve and threeeights of a grain; which shall be a legal tender in all sums under thirty cents. Section fourth requires the Postmaster General to furnish the several postmasters with three cent stampa, to be supplied to persons wishing to purchaser and declares that persons forging such tampe, or having any in his possession for the purpose of passing them as genuine, chall pay a fine of $500, or be imprisoned five years in lieu thereof. Section the fib authorizes the appropriation of a million and a half of dollars, to meet any temporary reduction of the revenue that may arise owing to the passing of the act.

Section the sixth provides for the publication of lists of unclaimed letters in a paper having the greatest circulation, and that, should the pubfisher of such paper refuse to insert the list, he shall be deprived of the free exchange of papers, and other benefits which the act may confer. Section the seventh authorizes the Postmaster General to establish post routes and offices of deposit and delivery, and the appointment of carriere in cities and large towns, who shall deliver letters at a charge not exceeding two cents each; provided the compensation allowed shall not exeeed The Criminal Court at its present session have convicted and sentanced the following: PATRICK O' BRIEN, CARNEY, grand larceny, Pen. 4 2 years. years. JEREMIAN COLCHAM, burglary, Pen.

3' years. THos. HAYWOOD, 3 JOHN BROWN, passing counterfeit money, Pen. (4 years. Charles WORTH, arson -attempting to fire the Jail, Pen.

3 years. HIARY THOMAS, petit larceny, fine $10. HORACE S. BROOKS, assault and battery, fine $10. WALTER ADAMs, assault and battery.

five 50c. ABRAM RICKOBY and Mrs. MARY PARISH, a6- sault and battery. Abra3 FLETCHER, assault and battery, fine $1. JOHN G.

DEITZ, petit larceny, fine $2 50. WN. PINE, assault and battery, 15 days bard labor. ED. Pizarro, petit larceny, 30 days on bread and waier.

NELSON CLARK, petit larceny, 30 days on bread and water. II. CRESLEY, attempt to procure an abortion. JAMES CARROLL, PATRICK FLINN, and Taos. BURK, Riot, 10 day's on bread and water.

Watering the City. We are glad to see our City Fathers waking up to the importance of furnishing the city with water copious and pure. It will be seen by the Council proceedings that the Mayor is authorized to appoint a committee to consult with him the beet mode of watering the city, and we understand he hag nained the following fientlemen: J. P. KIRTLAND, CHAS.


H. B. Taylor, Esq. We are glad to hear by a friend direct from Lexington, that this gentleman, onco a lawyer, star actor and now an Editor, is in good health and spirits. He ought to be, the "lucky dog." He has married an heiress, aud one of the F.e'3 of Lexington.

She has already produced an elegant mansion all nicely farnished, and sight slates, fan him hen sleeps. And tremble when he wakes Navigation Open. The Hudson, Capt. INMAN, left Buffalo at4 o'clock this morning, and at 3 P. M.

was Erie. She will reach here to-night and leave in the morning for Detroit. TAILADELPHIA, Jan. 21st. The produce depot of Rounwell Market street, was consumed by fire last evening.Lots heart.

Several persons were considerably injured. Execation of the Murderers Brown and Williams Peoria. PAORIA, Jan. 15. The execution of Brown and Williams for the murder of Mr.

Hewitt, took place about half part twelve o'clock. Although the number of Neons present to witness thin execution was much larger than 00 the 20th December, jot every thing parsed off quietly. The scene was deeply impressive and solemn. A few minutes before the ropes were adjusted Brown addressed the crowd, but from the positiou which we occupied it was impossible to hear what he said. Mach credit is dne to the officers under whose particular charge the execution was coudacied.

Tom Tit, alias Jordon, the man who planned the robbery, was brought to Peoria 8 few hours before the execution, and was fully recognized and committed to jail. church Oxford College, in refuses to pay rates, so the tax gatherer bas seized $22 worth of its silver forke, 1 The man that played ball against the Pysamide, starts for Greenland noxt week, for the purpose of hoisting the American fa*g on the North Pole. There is a girl in Schenectady! with so red that they wont into powder- a a MYGATT BROWN, Exchange and Stock Brokers. Weddell Block, Cleveland, Ohio. GEORGE MYGATT.


CARTER. C. SEYMOUR, WELLS MANUFACTURER AND WIIOLESALE LEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubbor and Gutta Percha Goods. 07 Special Agents for the Goodyear Shoe Company, No. 107 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio jan16 P.


Watson a Block. Prompt atlention given to night calls. LECTURES. The courac of Lectures beicre the Cleveland Library Association by Mr. WM.

IT. HOSMER, of Avon, New York, will be delivered at Empire Hall, commencing on each evening at 74 o'clock. 1. Monday, Jan. 13.

SUBJECT: Indian Character and Tradition. Thursday, 15. The Pocin, Moors On of the Spain. Ideal. 3.

Saturday, 18. 2. 4. Monday, 20. Character of Ine Iroquois.

5, Thursday, 4 23. Poem: Tuility of Linagination. 6. Saturday, 23. Scottish Song.

IT Tickets for the course, $1. Family Tickets, 82 Tickets for a single Lecture, 27 cents. 0 Tickets may be obtained at the Bookstores A. 8. of Bah- M.

C. Younglove Smith, Kninght ford, also at the principal Hotels. janit OT WESTERYELT wil. return home with his extrarrdinary Clairvoyant by Monday, Jan. 20th, and will be prepared to give clairvoyant investigations of disease, Phrenologicalf developments and investigations of all other subjects, at his house, No 132 St.

Clair, near Bond street. Some time during the week he will give a free public Lecture on Aniinal Magnetism, Clairvoyance, and Spiritualisin, notice of which will be previously given by the P'ross. Jan13 dwif P. A. WESTERVELT.

DIED. In this City on the 31st ELIZABETI R. daughter of John A. and Mary A. Vincent, aged 20 years.

The funeral wili tako place at the residence of her Father, on Thursday, the 23J, at 3 o'clock P. of. Friends and acquaintances are tespectfully invited to attend. THE COLD WEATHER THE LAST FEW DAYS, has brought out innu OF merable quantities of INAACS' English Blanket Orerconts. They make a look very comfortable, and are NO the most desirable Overcoat that can be bought.

MAN SHOULD WITHOUT ONE. Overcoats of grades and prices, from the finest to medium and common, can be found at ISAACS' extensive Establishment during the season. A NEW ARTICLE. JENNY LIND PANTALOONS, for the Gentlemen, something very nice the Pants line. and Also, Parties.

a new style of Satin Vesta, expressly for Balls For prices and particulars call at ISAAC A. ISAACS' Cheap and Fashionable Clothing Establishment, Jan21 No. 24 Superior Lane. M. Woolnough's Art- -Union.

THE most liberal prize that ever warranted was at the introduced lowest in retail this cash city. price, and of the very best selection of Goods. Every They are exhibited with the particulars, at WOOLNOUGH'S New Jewelry Store, under the Dunliam House. Two dollars share Forty-six prizes- -Value 8700. Consisting of and Silver Watches, Gold Clocks, Chains, Gold Lockets, Gold Pen Holders, Pine, Rings, I Look out! No time to be lost.

Make your chance safe. It will be out in a few weeke, if possible. Sales of Tickets will positirely. close on Saturday evening, Feb. let, when all shares inuet be paid or forfeited.

There will also be a general meeting of all the subscrib ens same night at 7 o'clock, at SEYWERT'S Concert Room. (jan21) T. M. WOOLNOUGH. THE WHIG ALMANAC FOR 1851-Just received express.


R. -Henry Smeaton--a Jacobite Story of the reign of George the Firat-from the press of Harpers. Just rec'd by Jan'20 M. C. YOUNGLOVE CO, ISLAND WORLD OF THE Being the personal experience of Henry T.

Cheever, through the Sandwich Islands and other parts of Polyjan20 nesia-from the press of M. Harpers. U. YOUNGLOVE CO. Just received by THE price 25 MOTHER'S cents.

For RECOMPENSE -Cheap edition, jan20 sale YOUNGLOVE CO. A complete In 2 GREAT for sale LATIN CO. -Now jan'20 M. C. YOUNGLOVE DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE, ALCOTT HORTON, 57 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio.

TO THE TRADE THE FOLLOWING GOODS: Heavy brown Shectings, Woolen Comforters, medium Woolen Long Shawle, ass'd bleachi'd do. W'I Gloves. Ladies Gents, do. Shirling Stripes, Linen 'Thread. Brown Canton Flannels, Coates' spool Thread, Bleached do.

do. Pearl Overcoat Buttons, assorted Linseys, Alpachae, all colors, Apron Checks, French 'I'nibet Clothe, Red Flannels, Batts, Wadding, White do. Cotton Yarn, Fine brwn Sheetings, Corset Drills, Carpet do. Wick. Ticks, Heavy Beaver Cloths, Red and Black Prints, very cheap.

Green, do. lleavy Pilot Cloths, very cheap, stantly on band, all of which will be offered to the 'I rade Every variety of l'ankee Notions and Millinery the best terms. Jan8 AGUILAI'S LAST The Mothe'r's Recompense, a sequel to "Home Influence," and published under the direction of the mother of the late Grace Aguilar- -for jan6 M. C. YOUNGLOVE CO.

French. embroidered Sandals, at 125 sign of the Big Boot. jan? II. B. McKINNEY CO.

Fine French Call Boots, warranted, at 128 sign of the Big Boot. jan? HI. B. McKINNEY CO. Freuch Calf and Warer proof Cork Sole Bools, at 128 sign of be Big Boot.

jan7 H. B. McKINNEY CO. LARGE LOT of Misses and Children's Shoes, Boys A and Youth's Boots. at 128 sign the Bin Boot.

(jan?) H. B. McKINNEY CO. FOR SALE valuable house and lot No. 13 between Bank and on the north side of Lake-st.

Good houre, barn, ell, cistern and out house. Terma easy. Enquire of HENRY BINGUAN. American Haloon. DICKLES! Gallon, for pale at half gallon and quart jars assorted Pickles, COZZEN'S Marble Ball, jan18 Under the Dunham House.

of Lobster, Reading sauce, Budia Hoy, and several other kinds sauces for meats. fish, for sale at COLLENS' Marble Hall, jan1S Under the Dunham House. LOBSTERS cans, AND and warranted CLAMS as fresh as Herinetically when taken from the waters, for sale at Marble liall, jan13 Under the Dunham House. JELIX-In quart, pint and hall pint jars, for sale at COZENS' Marble Hall, jani8 Under the Dunham Houre. WALNUT AND TOMATO M' KETCHUPS, tor COZZENS' Marble Hall, jani8 Dunham House.

FARM FOR will my farmlying on the Euclid road between the city of Cleve, land and Doan's Corners, in parcels and nt terms to suit purchasers. Enquire of the undersigned on the farm or at the office of Bolton Kelley, Johnson's Block. JAMES I. BOLTON. A pale by (jani8) very superior.

article, DUNN. for STATE WOOL LONG SHAWLSOne Case received January 6, 1851, by WV. WARREN. 45 Weddell Block. FOR SAL.

residence of the signed, between familion and Lake streets in the of is offered for sale. The property consists of something more than one acre of land with a good Cottage House and Barn, shrubbery and Ornamental Trees, together with a large number of bearing fruit Trees of choice selections. Enquire on the or at the Custom House. jano-if D. O.

GARRETT. WANTED. family, and by A Roonis Gentleman, with a private Wife and teDaughter, until the 1st of May next. Address. 0.

N. Plain Dealer office. -Good accommodations can he had, either for single persons, or gentleman and Day board caa he had -it is but a few minutes walk from the businese part of the city. Jan? No. 75 Ontario Street, south.

bbls. Akron Extra. 500 Boston Mills. 500 do. fair superfine and Ane Nour.

30 sacks Buckwheat Flour -for sale by dec20 CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. No: for CalifornIa. FARMS WANTED ON THE WESTERN REserve for Lauds on the San Joaquin River, fourmiles from Stockton, California. Any ope having Farms for sale on the Reserve, will find it to their advantage to call on the subscriber, as he is prewared to advance Cash for one -half, and productive lands for the balance. Tide perfectly good.

W. W. LELAND, Merchants' Exchange. Office hours from 10 A. M.

All 3 M. I I I I I I A A A the Plain Dealer. I CLEVELAND BAR. Sketches with a Free Pencil. MOSES KELLY AND THOMAS BOLTON To the enquiry of "Where is Junior?" made few day's ago in the columns of the Plain Dealer, we desire as the representative of that individual to offer a little explanation, and answer that he is not "weary of well doing," but only fearful he has not been doing well.

Haring. as most junior members of the Bar, more leisure than clients, we thought it might interest and amuse the readers of this journal, to now and then employ some of these hours in giving' a brief history of some of our most prominent citizens; such men as give character to our city and tone to society; men who from poverty and obscurity had raised themselves by honest and commendable exertion to places of public fidence, honor and trust. In this we were ated by no mean or unworthy motives, by no desire to attompt even in our humble way, to place one man above another, or more conspicuously before the public. So far (a8 has a been timated,) that anything like contrivance or bargain has been used by the subjects of our es horetofore to give them undue credit or infu. ence, we can say with truth, that wtih the eXcoption of a single gentleman (who upon our application kindly furnished us with some necessary information of dates, not one of them knew of our design until its accomplishment.With some of th them we had never exchanged a in our life, and to this day they do not know with any sho is the author of these little sketches.

We say this entirely in justice to these gentlemen, for it would be doing them great wrong to allow any such aspersions to rest upon them for a moment. We pity any man who while painfully scious he can never possess their talents, ing or standing, would yet seek to throw odiam or ridicule upon those ho acknowledges his superiors, striving to drag them down to his own level, or look with gangreened feelings upon every attempt by whomsoever mado at giving them that credit which true manliness most willingly grants, and good faith unquestionably demands. For our own part, when we see men with laudable ambition honorably succeed in outstripping the mass of their fellows in the race for distinction or wealth, we honor them and cannot help it, and glory in their success. They are the very standards for young men to follow, and will never aid in throwing the black mantle of uncharitableness or jealousy over their merits or deserts. Cleveland may well hold up her head proudly.

In natural advantages she has hardly a rival. Blest with a healthy and delightful climate, rich and highly cultivated soil, water privileges of a superior order and a beauty of location unsurpassed in the Union, well may one would-be Gov, Johnston exclaim, that he found her "proudly displaying her beauty in the broad som of the Lake." In a few days she will I be linked for all time with iron arms to her great sister city of the West. In a few more the same iron bands will rivet her to the "Iron the shore of Lake Erie the work goes bravely on, which when completed is to bring those great marts of commerce, Boston and New York, within a few hours of our dwellings.Already have we telegraphic communication with every city of note 'in the Union, and can thus hold almost social intercourse at the same moment with millions of inhabitants, from the pine forests of the North, to the warm and genial on the Gulf of Mexico. Can one of the -chine settlers of Cleveland who stood bravely by her in her young days of trial and sorrow, look at all this unconcerned? Can he look at the society which has gathered around him without pride or exultation? A highly educated and talented ministry, a Bar, which for legal ing, scholastic attainments and sound ability has no equal in any other city of its siza in the Union; with ambitious, discriminating, liberal and intelligent merchants, and mechanics and artizans, whose skill and handy work stare us everywhere in the face- -all these he meets at every step, and wo think he can cheerfully lay his hand on his heart, like one of old, and exclaim, "Now, Lord, lettest thy servant depart in peace, for nine eyes have seen thy salvation." If those clients still persist in keeping out the way (against which treatment, however kindly meant, we protest,) we will try if wo can obtain sufficient information as to the history individuals, to continue our sketches, and we sinceroly hope while honestly attempting to do justice to all, we may not be charged with partiality or wicked onesidedness. Moses Kelley was born about the year 1809.

in Livingston county, N. and graduated Harvard University in 1833. He studied law with O. Hastings, at Rochester, N. and came to this city in 1835.

In politics he decidedly Whiz. and was elected by that party the Senate of Ohio in 1844, where he was tanked among the ablest and most innuential legislators in that body. At the expiration of term office he was warmly urged to allow his name bo used as a candidate for re-election, but declined being again brought into political life.He is a high- minded, honorable man, generally beloved and popular in his profession. He posveRses all acute, logical mind, sound, discriminating practical good sense, and as a lawyer particularly excels in chancery practice. Dr.

K. not an orator, nor is he a handsome speaker, but forcible and argumentative. His speeches bear the marks of deep thought, diligent application and patient research. With habits of untiring industry and perseverance, a keen love aud relish for the profession of his choice and a strong desire to excel, he hag at the Cleveland Bar but fow equals, and porhapa no superior no sound, practical, thorough, legal scholar and able lawyer. In person he is tall, slim, and rather "low in flesh," black hair, bright, piercing, intelligent eye, very careless in dress, exceedingly polite and affable in manners.

Mr. Bolton is a native of Scipio, Cayuga ty', N. Y. In early life, he and Mr. Kelley became warmly attached, and have regarded each other almost as brothers to the present time.They prepared for college together at Temple Hill Academy, N.

were classmates lege, graduated together, entered into a partnership for the practice of law in 1837, which has continued to the present time. 'Their residences are close by each other on the outskirts of the city. and built after the game fashion. Mr. B.

studied law with Hon. J. C. Spencer, N. camo to Clevoland in 1832, and admitted to practice in this Stale in 1835.

In 1838 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney for this county and pasticularly distinguished himself as a vigorons and able prosecutor and sound criminal Jawser. Whether it was owing to his eloqueuce or the facility with which jurymen were made believe all men guilty, we cannot say, but rarely ever did a criminal a escape couviction under his treatment, In public ho has always been ranked as an cilicient Democrat until 1848, when ho went over to the Free Soil party; was their candidate for Representative 1849, and defeated by a very small majority only. He had every early advantage for securing good education, aud left college with a fair utation a classical scholar and able debater.Unlike Kelley, he commenced practice with considerablo pecuniary means. For legal attainments he has undonbledly ma: my superiors at the Bar, though by no means del ficient in the, knowledge of his profession. He has' never applied himself to that close, diligent, laborious study of the law which is indispensable to ite complete mastery.

He is vory fond his profession, and has been exceedingly successful both in the management of his cases and in cumulating considerable wealth. lie is a man much native ability, great strength of character, energs, perseverance, and indomitable will, frank, hnoest and blunt. a stumpapeaker he has few equala. Ho has much of that offhand, easy less, the hand manner which sometimes is the best passport to popular thy and favor! We have often heard him speak with great feeling, eloquence at the Bar and wi'h great effect. AR a jury lawyer he ranks desert: odly high, and if he would throw aside a kind reckleseness of manner while addressing them, would make a very accomplished speaker.

In personal appearance he is rather stoutly set, erally neat in dress, with neck bare and collar worn a la Byron; regular and rather handsome features, high, broad, open forehead, with what laughing eyes and jovial expression of countenance. His manuers are somewhat peculiar, being somewhat of the "free and easy" cast, at times somewhat boisterous and toughs; although we have seen him in the examination of female witnesses as gentle and fascinating as the most fastidious could possibly desire. JUNIOR. spirits, were reforred. Mr.

LEADBETTER, from the standing commitlee on the Executive, Department to whom was recommitted the report of said Commsttee with pouding amendments reported the saino back with sundry amendments. After the consideration of the amendment the Report was aggreed to, and then referred to the coumnittee Revision Enrollment and arrange ment." Report number 0116 of the Standing Committee Future Amendments to the Coustitution' was read the second time by its title, and referred to the committe of the whole Goa Convention. Report one of the Standing Commitlee ou the Institutions of the was read the third time aud on motion of Mr. King recommitted. The Militia Report was then taken up, and after much debate on pending amendinents the first section was stricken out; when the report was recommitted.

On notion of M. Sawyer the Convention took up. the report of the Committe Con- the Elective Franchise," pending which the vention adjourned. CONSTITUTIONAL, CONVENTION. SATUERDAY, January 18, 1851 Several petitions, relative to tratic in ardent COMMERCIAL.


uhds. 130 1:26 10,581 1,500 do Liquor. casks. 26 Molasses. 60 2,160 Oil.

46 1,472 Rice. bbis. 21 210 Salt. 6,867 5,867 Salt. bags.

600 96 Water 350 700 Iron (assorted). tuns. 192 15,360 Saleratus. 0 117 do boxes. 20 100 Lumber.

feet. 800 6,000 Shingles. 1,430 Leather. 395 200 1:0 900 Plows. 32 Plaster.

936 066 Stores. 150 1,060 Crockery. 69 3,450 Hardware. casks 62 10,400 Reapers. 7 1,050 Castings.

19 1,140 Total. 9268,561 EXPORTS. Wheat. 320,129 263,302 305,499 137,467 $4,929 35,478 Clover 200 600 Timothy 115 157 Dried 15 45 do. Apples.

50 200 Pork. 2,050 29,500 Beef 1,584 12,672 219 2,628 217 1,310 Ashes. 701 21,030 Staves. M. 1,737 47,792 Lumber.

741 7,410 Wool. 15,880 22,680 Hides. 654 1,962 Sheep Felts. 75 2,695 Corn Meal. 503 1,130 Whisky.

107 656 Highwines. 1,811 14,728 Butter. 331 3,310 Flour. le. 3,309 14,890 Cider.

49 72 Apples. 507 557 Hickory 111 175 Beans. 16 48 Vinegar. 15 45 Broom bales 870 Brooins. 20 30 hhds.

9 720 Grindetones. 393 790 Eggs. abbls. 47 564 Feathers 110 36 Oil Cake. tuns 325 Rage.

300 Bones. 60 Beeswax bble. Soap. 21 42 Leather. 13 650 Sweet Potatoes.

bush. 80 43 Live 1,980 7,020 Merchandise. 247 3,600 .8611,198 H. SKINNER, Dep. Col.

Huron, Dec. 31st, 1850. STATISTICS OF VERMILLION. IM PORTE. Salt.

2,650 $2,630 700 560 152 456 Cedaf Posta. 19 85 Shiugle 17 136 Pine 223 1,184 Pig 61 1,02:) Merchaudise. 281 67,750 671,341 EXPORTe. Wheat. bush, 37,666 $33,560 Corn.

33,560 16,780 3,646 911 Hickory 650 325 91 182 Ficur 4,277 17,108 Beef. 56 Pork. 388 3,864) Eggs 25 150 Green Apples. 413 413 Dried do 1.415 1,616 do 163 577 Pol and Pearl Ashes.casks. 104 1,981 Butter.

356 3,853 bbls. 33 493 do. 13 78 Racon and 2,107 Cheese, 156 boxes and 14 Grindstones. tuns. 551 6,012 Flagging feet.

25,000 5,500 Stone, 150 2,600 Stoves. 117 8,172 Bl'k Walnut Lumber.M foet. 103 2,090 White Wood do. 515 6,760 Slaves. TORE M.

1,133 35,827 Wood. 1,474 1,678 Sheep Pelta. 100 73 Wool, 1,015 eacks 192,472 tbs. 60,726 $211,372 J. W.


LET The Messrs. TUR building a very fine steamer in their ship-yard, Ohio City. It is to be called the Northerner, and to run between this port and the Saut, in connection with their propeller, the Manhattan, on Lake Superior. She is 200 fret long and will be about 600 tons burthen. She bc commanded by Capt.

Sweet. one of the best practicabie sailors and gentlemanly officers now on the lakes. a Witb Capt. COLWALL, Cf the Mamkatian above, and Capt. SWEEt, of the NortherneT below, this Lke Superior route will be a favorite with the traveling public.

NEw -On the 16th inst. a small steamer was launched at the Plaster Bed, Ottoway county. She is designed a ferry- -boat 10 run between this place, the Plaster Bed and Premont. Her cimensions are, in length 105 feet, width 12 fcet. depth; of bold 4 feet.

She way built by Capt. Joseph Caden for her owners, Lockwood Smith, and is called the Sanduskian. 1 Capts. B. S.

WARD are building at Newport two new to run the coming season. The Arctic 800 tone, and the Caspian, 1,150 tons. These will make nine steamere which have been buitt at that place by the WaRds since 1639, viz: Tonage. Cost. 187 8 16,100 266 23,000 Detroit, 362 Ham 130 40,000 Pacific.

1,200 650 105,000 50,000 Atlantic, Ocean, 1,100 800 75,000 Caspian, 80.000 Total .6.045 8521.000 The above is sufficient comment upon the enterprise and industry of the Messrs. WARDS. 17 JOHN BARR, has removed his Justice Office to No. 8, Merchants' Exchange, the room lately occupied by the Cleveland Herald. IT LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE--The Members of the Clothing Art- are requested' to inect at the store of J.

No. 4 Union street, Tucsday, January 21st, at 64 o'elock P.M., to transact business of importance. JAS. DUGAN, Treasurer. MERRITT WILLIA and Confectioner les, Yankee Notions of al Wholesale and Retail Dealers La Groceries, Fancy Goodal kinds, 83 Superior street.


Will give their attention to the purchasing and disposing of produce andmerchandize of cvery description. REFER BY PERMISSION TOW. A. Otis, Esq. Cleveland.

T. P. Handy; 1. L. Hewitt, si C.

Severance, J. W. R. Finn, McMillen, Cashier, Elyria. jan? Cashier, Akron.

bet ROEDER. Languages. D'ARCIE SEARS' having formed several Classes in the Languages, terms. either at his room, No: can now give Les21 80115 on very or at residences of pupils. In respect leasonable to experience and qualifications be has the honor to present the following certificates: "This is to certify that Mr.

D' Arcie the Sears comes University highly, Dublin recommended and the Royal College of Galway, as a very acfrom P'rofessors in Scholar and Instructor in Latin and Greek, and complished also in the Italian, Freuch and Spanish hangungce, His moral and religious character is well spoken ot by the We Rector cheerfully of commend him to the courtesy and pat Dublin. ronage Kev. 8. C. AIKIN, Rev.

G. B. PERRY, ofour citizens. LLOYD WINDSOR, S. W.

A DAME, HON. M. CASE, Mayor. I. L.

Medical SMITH, i'rof. College. documents anbmitted to me, it appears or that Dub- D' Arcie "From Sears is a graduate both of the Universities lin and Glasgow, and has studied three years in l'aris. He comes and professional qualifications as a Teacher of a luguly recommended both as to moral high acter order. Kev.

LLOYD WINDSOR. H. is kindly permitted to refer to the Kev. Prof. D'A.

Mr. Canfield also. jan10-tf Great Bargains in Dry Goods. L'HE UNDERSIGNED will close FANCY off DRY their GOODS, present stock STAPLE AND which comprises an exteneive stuck of OVER 30,000 DOLLARS, at less prices than canbe purchased in N. Wholesale or retail.

Among the stock way be 00 peces Merino, 500 Long Wool Shawls, 100 do Fancy Silks, 100 Brocha do 10 do Black do 300 doz. Linen Hdkis, 100 do Alpacca, 500 doz. Silk do 40 do Sulk Lustre, 160 doz. 'Towels, 250 do Detaine, 100 pieces Diapers. CLOTHS, CASEIMERES AND SATINETTS: 3 bales Ticking, 1 case Sheeps Greys, 13 do Brown Sheeting, 3 do Akron Satinetts, 1 do Cotton Flannel, do Tweeds, 10 do Wadding, 3 do Ginghams, 30 do Wicking, do Col'd Cambrics.

5 CASES MERRIMAC PRINTS, 1 case bleached Drills, I do bale Boat Blankets, do do brown do Super Bed do breached Shirting, do Red Flaunels. 3 do strised do do 'Twilled do 3 do do Sheeting, 2 do Canvas. 500 PIECES WHITE GOODS. Jaconetts, Swiss Mnelins, Lawns, Corded Camb'es, 3 cases Pins, 2 cases Gloves, 5 do Thread, 10 do Hooks and Eyes, 2 do Whalebone, 2 do Combs, 5 do Butione, do Suspendere, Cording, do Ribbons, do Hosiery; do Irish Linens, 10 pcs. figured Damask, 20 p'ce French Prints, 5 do super silk wool 5 do 10-4 bl'd Sheeting, Fianvel, 10 do 5-4 pillow case do I000 pre.

Wool Socks -together with a Jule of every thing our which we must close off before the opening of navigation. Price no object, at 78 Empire CO. jau16 JAS. H. KELKEY India Rubber Gloves! of The these great Goods has perfection been to which brought, the renders manufacture them a desirable article for all.

Manufactured exclusively by GOODYEAR'3 Glove Co FOR LADIES. hands. As a substitute for kid, they will THE LiGHt -Most excellent softening and be bleaching found the very light and more durable; aid as a speedy, and effectual cura for chapped or rough hands, Salt Rheum, THE HEAVY GLOVE. -Very useful while engaged in dothey have no equal. mestic such as sweeping, dusting, house clean ing, and are invaluable in attending to coal fires.

LONG AND HALF LONG -A requisite in every kinds of work and particularly in gardeging and care of family for washing, coloring, all roughening and a dirty shrubs and flowers. All kinds impervious to water -hot or cold. FOR GENTLEMEN. THE LIGHT article destined to supersede the black kid, as a winter glove; not only equally as soft and pliable, but much wore durable, and perfectly water proof, besides possessing all the virtues of the Ladies' Glove in curing chapped hands, THE HEAVY for a driving glove and care of horses, keeping the hands soft and smooth in all Kinda of work where any other glove is injured. LONG AND HALF LONG GLOVE OR Used for protection in all kinds of acid work of the chemist and otber strong alkalies; for drivers in storms, and hose druggist, manufacturing and handling of potasbes and panies in the fire department.

AND TANNERS' Very useful in protecting against acid and line. and need but to be seen and tried to be appreciated. THE HEAVY staple article and justly appreciated by farmers and others, in all kinds of wet work. INDIA RUBBER FINGER excellent covering for sore fingers or corns, self-adhering and impervious to air or water. For sale low, wholesale or by SEYMOUR, WELLS CO, jan10 Sartwell Block.

Cleveland, 0. Buffalo Robes. RECEIVED at No. 19 Superior etrret. 210 BorFALO RODEs on Commission, and will be sold low.


Hickory and CRAWFORD Chestnuts--for sale CO by good assortment of Wall and Window paper on hand and for sale low at No. 6, Water-st. (nov2)( M. CARSON. A dec18 bble on hand, FISKE at HALL'S.

DAYS -We have some splendid HAIR BRUSHES, and other luxurious Toilet articles which would be quire appropriate about this time. Call and sec. (declE( FISKE HALL. New Catholic Book Store. 8.

SUPERIOR KRAMER Co. have N' a full assortment of Catholic Books- such as Bibles, Testaments, Prayer books which will be sold low ither at wholesale or retail. oc 6- 6m NEW sometimes called Spirit Gas, with Fluid, a or great Euberial variety Oil. of LAMI'S, intended for its use; always on hand, at dec18 FISKE HALL. TO LOAN--On Plank and Rail Road Stocks, Bonds, or other good securities.

nov26 W. LELAND, Merch'ts Exchange. FOR nov27 stock Pittsburgh W. R. LELAND, Road Co.

pounds in Roll and Firkin, for sale BUT (dec20) CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. Bounty Lauds. M. S. curing CASTLE patents will for give those particular entitled under attention the to act pro- of ept.

2-, Having formed an appociation with a competent persou at the scat of governinent he will be able to transact the business with all posible dispatch. At the office of LYNDE CASTLE, Atty' a Clevelang Ohio-oc10 large and MOSSED splendid assortment VELVET just recelved at A. DINE very nice arucie for the table, just reccived by dec13 W. H. BEAUMONT CO.

icnihals fine cut Cavendish Tobacco, FUNDERSON for I sale basrels by CO. LilnovI HANDERSON, PUTATING, Accouching and General Surgical A Instruments, at F.SKE HALL'S. ment SPANGLR'8 SPUN FLANNELS. TEA large aseortnov19 47 Weddell House. sale by dec20 CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO.

NOL'D SILKS AND TURK Selling cheap at (dec2) WARREN'S, 45 Weddell House. BALANCE of our flock of WOOLEN LONG SHAWLS, will be sold out at great bargains. dec16 F. W. JUDD 43 Weddell House, A coming CANDY- Holidays, -Peculiarly at adadied to children deci3 MERRITT WILLIAMS.

UXURIES FOR -Cornine or Corn Starch, Tapioca, Farina, Arrow Root, Rice. Flour, Oatmeal and lainglass, Gelatine, all fresh. at dec13 FI-KE HALL'S. of Lemons, Almonds, Nutmegs, Rose and Vanilla, flavoring Cakes, Puddings and Pies, at dec13 FISKE New Goods. H.

friends and the MERCHANT public, that TAILOR; he is on would his fect inform again his with a full stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will make to order in the latest Style. sep30 No. 40 American House. ry of the Heart, by A. 8.

Roe, autbor of LOVE AND TO BE A StoMountjoy, Or I've been for sale by jan5 M. C. YOUNGLOVE CO. bbls Buckwheat Flour of extra quality, just received and for sale by janu GEO. WYLIE.

rec'd at A fresh in WYLIE'S. supply, kegs and cans. just HAY and for sale at whosesale and hue retail lot just receiv H. MOULD. bor20.

32 Superior-st. JUST cases Jenny Lin Hats, at No 39 Superior -st. Qct3 T.S. PADDOCK CO. MARINE FIRE 'Insurance INSURANCE.

Hudson CASH CAPITAL, $200,000. Office at the Cleveland Insurance Capital, will Agency. take MaCompany with on as the ahove favorable terms as first This rine and Fire Risks All losses will be promptly adjusted clas Companies. the Cleveland office. and paid at ENSWOTH SHAW, West.

General Agents for the 14-4in best stock of "Mulay" Mill M' the City, for sale at SAWS. The In N. F. CRITTENDEN'S. jan13 fine assort- jan15 TARLE to AND sclect POCKET N.

E. CRITTENDEN'8. The Prizes of the BINGHAM'S, under the Clothing Art- Union, will be distributed at I. the 18th at half past American louse on Saturday, 6 o'clock P.M. Shares may be procured by applying N.

B. A few J. DUGAN, No. 5 Cleveland. mcdiately to jan15 all descriptions, HORTON'S.

at MILLINERY jan8 ALCOTT and fignred, at HORTON'S. Very nice patterns. Also, M' pretty Thread Edgings. can ALCOTT be found at HORTON'S jan5 Conte, the at shape of Driving Gloves, nicely lined, ALCOTT HORTON'S. jang CANTON FLANNEL.ENS.

new article for this market, ALCOTT at HORTON'S. jan8 BRICK, largest eize, wale CRAWFORD by CO. A MOUNT SAVAGE Jan14 CHAMBERLIN, WATER LIME. --200 bble Amca' CRAWFORD best Cement- CO. jan14 CHAMBERLIN.

--30 bbis Roll for sale 40 by KEGS HILLIARD, HAYES CO. BUTTER (jan14-6w) TO an new' excellent convenient well of tenemen water. on Orange of street, with H. F. BRAYTON, or J.

D. HOYT. jani4-if offers his Grocery Store, with A First Rate Bargain. THE new UNDERSIGNED dwelling, 2 storing high, ft. frout good above will be sold for cash or taon Pearl street.

The small farm in the vicinity of ken in exchange for a good M. KRAMER. this Ohio place. City, Jan. 15, WANTED less than RENT: sir Bed Booms.

TO convenient House, with not locality, Rent. addressed to Box Communications 761, (post-pald,) elating Clevclaud; Ohio. Jan, 15, RECEIVED -Six cases of BI. O. G.

Clocke, TUST good time piece? For sale at Who wants a N. E. CRITTENDEN'S. Jan15 SHADES on hand, plain CRITTENDEN. and cut, for FEW GAS A cheap.


Plates, CRITTENDEN. for sale by (jan15) large stock of York Gold prices. Pens, TUST which will be sold to the Trade at New N. E. CRITTENDEN.

jan15 SMOKE, but if you will, call at MERRITT imDON'T WILLIAMS, you will And the best Havannas, Principes, Just rec'd at 83 jan15 Supeported rior-st. 'There is a Good Time Coming. SUBSCRIBER would say to the people of the Slate of Ohio generally, and the citizens of Cleveland and in pickled particular, Tripe, Pigs Feet, Head Cheese. Tongues that he is prepared to furnish fresh wholesale and retail on the most rearonable terms. their addices Anything in tita line will be delivered by leaving at Pollock' Store, THEODORE C.eveland.

R. EVANS. Cleveland Jan. 13, 1851-tf CASH FOR R. R.

for C. C. and C. M. Rail FERRY Road CO.

will pay Cash Stocks for a few days. (jani3) MILY FLOUR: 100 bble. Extra Flour, 100 Superfine Flour, sale 50 low, and Fine delivered in any part the city free of For (jan13) PERRY CO, City Mills Store. charge by Thousand Dollars worth DRY Dry great bargains (in order to Spring Goods, by PERRY Co. make room for Hutchinson Floyd's Clothing and Furnishing Store.

FOR MEN AND BOYS, NO. 10 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND, NOW SELLING OFF their extensive stock of ARE superior Winter Goode, best meterials and workmanship, Ar COST FOR CASH. Call all and see for yourselves. Cleveland, Jan. 11, 1251-tf New Books, January 10th.

THE NICUTINGALE. by Parke GoodVALA, OR Dalph Ieylider, by Irving, edition. beautifully illustrated. The Cooper's Wide, Wide World, a new American Novel. Pathfinder, a new Tbe American Girthood of Shakspeare's Heroines, by Mra Clarke.

Almanac, fer 1651, The Ladder of Gold, an English Story. ja 11 Blackwood's Magazine M. C. YOUNGLUVE CO. for December.

just rec'd. ADIES MISSES Merino, Alpacca, Worsted and Lambs' Wool Hosiery, all colors, at janil JUDD'8 43 Weddell House. splendid assortment of Valentines, juet received at STACEY'S VALENTINE STACEY'S Fancy Store. He would invite the attenlion of Merchants from the country, to his STOCK AT WHOLESALE. I All orders will he promptly attended to.

jani1 SEMINARY, FOR THE ROARD AND EDUCATION OF YOUNG I ADIES. No. 48 St. Clair street, Cleveland, Ohiv. MRS inform the Miss DICKINSON, Clevelanu from and England, the beg vicinity, to that their third sees on will commence on the 1st day of February.

They also beg to state that they have enterad into an arrangement wib Professor Ecars, (lately arrived from Dublin University, Ireland,) to have Classes for the study of French, Italian, Spanish, at their Egtablishment. English, Drawing, Music, Flain and Fancy Work, der the immediate superintendence of Dre. and Miss Dickiuson. jan10-tf SITUATION accustomed for thirty years middle past aged in man; ing and sellin lour, Timber, and other articles. Also, keeping Books in the various branches of trade.

Enquire at this office. jan10-if A Muslins GOOD tor evening ASSORTMENT dress at of Figured and Swiss F. W. JUID CO. jan10 No.

43 Superior-st. BOOKS BY EXPRESS.The Ladder of Gold by Robert Bell. Olive, author the Ogilvics. 'The Unknown Countess, by Bennett. Harper's Mogazine, No.

8. International Magazine, No. 1 and 2, containing James new novel. Also Godey, Graham, and Sartain's Magazines, at jani0 SANFORD'8. CURTAIN DRAPERIES.

-The best assortfrom 86 to 823. (jan8) ALCOTT UR Evening Dresses, at A ALCOTT SWISS HORTON'S. FOr SILK UMBRELLA ALCOTT HORTON'S. STIES and Pillows Case brown Cottons, at and bleached Sheetjand ALCOTT HORTON'S. jan8 "ALCOTT HORTON'S.

MED LINEN HDKFS-for Ladies, from $2 E' to $3, at (jant) ALCOTT HORTON'S. TOWEL IN (jan8) The BEST ALCOTT Damask Toweling HORTON'S. in this FOR The remarkable fast sailing top sail Schr. Industry, 95 tons burthen, built in 1817 under the Immediate inspection of an experienced Ship Master, salted on the stocks, is well found in Sails and Rigging, having had a new suit of sails last fall Out of the best Navy flax canvass at cost of 8300. Will be sold cheap if application be made before the Reciprocity Bill passes this session of Congress.

jao10 V. SWAIN. FEW ENGLISH BLANKET OVERA COATS, are eull on hand and will be closed out: little less than the regular pricc. at 1. A.

ISAACS, jens No. 24 Superior Lane. LOT of those heavy Italian BI'k Silk Cravats. rial Neck Ties, BI'k Kid Gloves, Satin Scarfs, Embroidered White Shirts. at jan8 ISAACS', No.

24 Superior Lane. F' BL'K and the best CLOTH, Black Fine Satin, French together Doe Skin with Fancy Cloths, Cassineres and Vestings, which will be made up to order at short notice and reasonable terms, at ISAAC A. ISAAC'S Cheap and Fashionable Clothing Establishment, No. 24 Superior Lane, Cleveland, Ohio. ty at COLORS (jan6) of ALCOTT Merrimac East Calicoes HORTON'S.

and pretPRESERVE for sale at India Ginger nov19 WYLIE'8. GENUINE Rrbert ENGLISH Peel, Harvey SAUCES, Reading, for sale (nov19) WYLIE'S. NEW BOOKSTORE. SMITH, KNIGHT 00., BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS. N.

50 Superior 7 street, Cleveland. H. L. SMITH, KNIGHT, ALEX. MORRISOX 4 A (4 "This, Books can do; nor teach this us alone; how the give New views to life to live: They southe the admonish, grieved, and the confirm stubborn the they wise: chastise; Their aid they yield to all: they never shun Fools they The inan of sorrow, nor the wretch uudone: Unlike the hard, the selfsh and the proud, They fly not various sullen from people, the various suppliant things.

crowd; Nor tell 10 But show to subjects what they show to Good Books for Long Winter Evenings. COPIOUS and critical Latin Latin German English Lexicon, A founded on the larger and Lexicon of Dr. William Fround, with additions Acheller, corrections from the Lexicons of Getter, Facciolati. For sale by Georges, By E. A.

Andrews, L. 1.. SMITH. KNIGHT CO. Jan21 ISLAND WORLD OF THE a personal Narrative and results of Travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Henry T.

Islands, and other parts of -By SMITH, Rev. KNIGHT Cheever. For sale at (jan21) CO.8 MOTHER'S sequel to Home Influence, SMITH, by Grace KNIGHT Aguilar. Price 25C. For sale by CO.

New Copy- Right Novel. -HENRY SMEA. TON--a Jacobite Story: Or, 'The Reign of George the First, by G. P. R.

James. For sale by jan21 SMITH, KNIGHT CO. IFE AND LETTERS of Thomas Campbell, cdiied by Will. Beauie, M. 2 tor sale by jan9 SMITH, KNIGHT CO, THE LUTCELLS, Or, The Two Marriages, by Folkestone Williams, what a name') fur sale by (jan!) SMITA, KNIGHT CO.

SINGLETON "sketches in Ultra- Marine, nev at Novel, by fan! SMITH, KNIGHT CC'S, ten: Another by Novel, SMITH, by the KNIGHT author of "I he: jang CO. on Mathematical SMITH, Insuuments, KNIGHT just rec'd CO. S' IRVING'S WORKS- -Complete in fourteen vols. jang elegantly bound, cheap SMITH, by KNIGHT CO THE Books are HOLIDAYS waudied fur long ARE winter OVER, evenings, and such good as the MOTHER'S RECOMPENSE, a Sequel 10 home fluence, by Grace Aginlar, at jan6 SMITH, KNIGHT CO. TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED.

story' by A. S. Roe, at jant SMITH, KNIGHT CO. TARPEI'S MAGAZINE FOIL Arst numbers of the 2d volumn, for sale jant SMITH, KNIGHT CO. A domestic story, from the French, for sale by jaut SMITH, KNIGHT CO.

I by Goethe, PHIGLNIA translated IN from the German, A Drama for sale in 3 by acts jan6 SMITH, KNIGHT CU. WEEDENBORGIAN -A good' assorunen for gale at the jan6 NEW BOOK STORE. WHISK Y. (j32) -300 good BARTLETT rectified Whisky RUEDER. for sale: -The copartnership bertofore CI isting between and under the style of' Masury Webter is this day dissolved by mutnal consent.

AlL unsettled accounts will be settled by the preseut firm. Masury, Sterliug Co W. JOSEPHI W. WEBSTER. MASURY.

Jan 4, 1651. 300 BBLS jan4 HIGHWINES I. sale L. HEWITT BBLSFLOUR FOR SALE-br'ds Rignor, Nor500 thrup Co. by (jan4) I.

L. HEWITT. 25 jani KEGS let quality of BUTTER, J. for L. sale br HEWITT, LIME, Ames' brand, for 300 sale by (jan4) I.

HEWITT. STONE MILLS FLOUR. and other choice brands, for sale at retail, by (jani) I. L. HEWITT.

HAVE JUST sale RECEIVED, cheap. another fine lot of WE BUFFALO ROBE, for jan3 T. 8. PADDOCK CO. figure, juet bales, rec'd and growth for sale 1810-a by fair article at a low jan3 WM.

MELHINCH. Patent Starch Polish. giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, kinds Mushins, Cambrics, Collare, Shirt all of prints; its use prevents the Iron from adhering to the linen and dust from sticking; it containes nothing injurious to clothes In any respect. One cake will do 30 dozen of clothes, and no family should be without it. NEW YORK, Nov.

13 1830 Office of the N. Y. Laundry, 15 Spruce-st. WM. D.

BEAUMONT-Sir: We have used, and are now using in our Laundary, Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish, and can recommend it as being the best article for that use now kuown. it is more economical than the materials in general use. T. W. DoUGLas The alove article just received and for BALDWIN sale by.

CO. jan? D. C. O0KING GLASSES. -Old Looking Glasses repaired at short notice.

We would be very much obliged if those that have left old frames to be fillleb would call and takc the! away we want the room. D. JONES, jan10 No. 48 American House. Alcohol.

THE pership under SUBSCRIBERS the firm have of this Douglass day formed a for Co-part- the purpose of manufacturing Alcohol aud Neutral Spirite. They would respectfully solicit the patronage oi drug. gist and others of this cay, and the surrounding country. Orders for the required strength filled and forwarded with de-pach, at less than Cinciunati or Buffalo prices. and in prime packages.

y. A. DOUGLASS, A. GARRETT, Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1850.

On canal. toot Genera-8t TENNY LIND HAIR white, -The red, best brown, ever offered to the public It will dye Hurd twice a day for a week until colored, then repeat gray, to a beautiful jet black, by applying this excellent once a month; this will keep the hair of a coal black color. Warranted not to injure the skin. Price 81 per bottle. Prepared and sold by K.

B. NORRIS, Dec30 Bank Street, opposite the Weddell. DATENT American patent Dryer, this for inside outside painting. splendied Dryer for season of the year to hurry up the paint this cold weather. For sale by the can or very low by D.

JONES, Dec30 No. 48 American House. SIDES RED whch 3.000 1,000 sides of best Spanish Utica, N. York Leather, to meet inany enquiries for this excellent article. oct19) BRATENAHL BROTHERS, DOTTED Muslins SWISS ou band, at Every variety B.

L. SPANGLER. nov12 47 Weddell louts. FOR Merehants Hotel been rent. put The in stand complete is a repair) desirabic is one, now being oftered located for within a few rods of the C.

C. tr. R. R. De pot, the house is roomy and convenient, and every way adapted to do a good business.

To a man of the right stamp on the terms would be made casy. For particulars call 1. L. HEWITT. nea 0.

100 1 and Lots l'lam and 10 abuodance, width from 30 to 36 inches. lots of l'ords, Tassels, and Window Shades we will make eel almost at cost. We wish te close out our Stock to roomi for a larg new stock. We will sell brass trimmings very low. No.

48 American D. House. JONES. dec29 Ked into my Heifer, enclosure with on gaturday under last, the belly, small size.The little owner white is requested to prove property pay dec27 charges and take JAS. her away.

East Clerelaud. DELAWARE M. OFFICE OF THE Cleveland Dec. 24th, 1850. INSURANCE CO.

holding scrip in this Company payable can 10 receive 6 per cent intercet on the same cash by calling on the agent. 10 per cent The company has declared a dividend be of issued and disfor this, for which new scrip will tributed dec26 by mne as soon received. R. T. LYON, Agent.

supertine family ja'? flour, sale Warehousc by on Division foot Columbus-st. ROEDER. For sale by dec19 AND COB GROUND E. I -for DOOLITTLE. POULTRY.

Any quantity, at all tines, at dec19 tine lot at GREAT Barging in near the Real Estate. and Country city lots scats for on sale Euclid or exchange. farni8 Enquire J. Seneca A. CODY, Block, No.

Land 2 up stairs. Broker, Iny17 FISH BONE.dec+ for sale at the new Drug D. Store C. BADDWIN CO. thing fut making Buckwheat Refined Cake Syrup.

delicious-for BEAUMONT Just the sale by. CO. dec13 W. H. DINE dec13 APPLES A few MERRITT rec'd at WILLIAMS.

some orders; time No. about 492 amounting to 810 79 lost to the City CITY the 18th inst. Whoever will report said orders Treasurer's Office shall be well rewarded, mill,.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.