The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

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1 JR" I 'SH Vf" IT 1 AND LAST DE i fe 4 xfiz AH business confidential 'M BROWN A I 'H 4 Campbell IXr a bvlliU Jyt JUJSC 11 DU fell IV 1UAV who haa taken charge of evorythmg he about his said has and the only thing he owns he Maud examining with a Gov atawond the young nan had counsel for Mis "Elias I Mr Platt dcclar lent Chicago Tribune i I We are largest manufacturers on earth have unlimited capital and sell direct from the workshop to the fireside on EASY CREDIT PAYMENTS tci honorable people in all parts of the world No other manufacturer will let you use the floods for years while slowly paying for them or fall iaformahoe and ret Catalogues address 45K THE ENGLEWOOD COV (MWd Onnnl OOooa Kamdrtph Sfe Ckleaco I1L 8 AJ Call at 214 5 Division as that but I knowthat he doesnt recognize thesexistenceiofa superior Town and Country 4 HIS WEDDING GARMENT He about the latest society They have a lot 'to say about what the bride wears but they have nothing to say about the poor bridegroom SheT They have no need to because askedv Mabel non eh to make me 'a' little UJorkmansip OETHf fiigbesi Order Theibest price paid for Second hand urniture and sold for low pries i Call and be convinced 929 Druid Hill Avenue 7 awl Con tract jobs'and first class wd! digging done by CHAS PRIEST' ffussell de Co J425 Penna of jfine Clothes Miss Gertrude WHfrc Specialist in Hair Culture and Mani i Curing Combings made up in anj style i Try CUREINE a dandruf cure and hair grower prepared and sold only by Miss Gertrude White 1229 Druid Hill Ave Baltimore Md All mail orders promptly attended to 300 PM 305 PM 400 PM 430 PM 6 90 505 PM 600 aao pm LWPM 243 PM U60PM LU PM 465 PM? iiifrpiii' 609 RM V' gentleman All kinds of the very best ladies and fine clothing always bn 1 hand Beautitu I gowns suitable Jor wedding parties and ordinary oc casidns also tailor made 1 suits can be purchased at treasonable prices and easy payments '1 OH! LOOK! WEaT WM DODD DALh New and Second Hand urniture Stoves Oil Clothe Mattings i Carpets Etc Packing Shipping io my Part of the Cowirj I have a full line of Goods Call and see me Quick sales and s4' small profits will buy your old fUrmturp brass andirons et4i Please di op me a card '4 1 1 3 1 Pennsylvania Avenue tf Graduate and post graduate in medicine High honors at StAtc Board "Exam in all form of Nervous and Venera! dk cans Neither faith1 mystery? nor quackery but after scientific diagno jiis ou are told if you can or cannot be cured Experience from abroad? I Cures where other doctors fail Cali dr (3VT 1 'Oliice to 10 Al 1 to and 7to 9 MD Ae 1 369 Carey Street Baltimore I Md P' Phone 1941 Md 4 SAVED HIMSEL do you'tbink I look like mam yes Marie as your mamma's sweet face must have looked when she was just your Chicago Tribune MISTAKE I tohj hinif he dared to kiss me bet sorry for It Belle And "was he No I was the only one who was sorry I told him Phila delphia Ledger IROKB A RECORD Mrs You kept one six weeks How did you manage Mrs manage it She fell down the steps and broke her the first day and of course she had to stay till she could yralk'out Chicago Tribune HELPUi a minute to the bore thought devote it to you interrupted the busy merchant can use It for I need all the spare minutes I can Phila delphia Press 1 BALTIMORE AND ANNAPOLIS shortxinel IN EECT APRllW19d4tW' Trains have Camden Station for An capelin week days: 1 't I 6 830 10 HL A '130' 4XJ 25 1016 A and 420 AL Expreee Trains Jv auobyy mx ln moit ReHaMe The Ideraf Association 7 or Richmond Ua 7 i 0 nu I A71AX UCSIUCUl Ims Association is entitled to do bust ness In this State: having complied witltf the corporation laws of Maryland A' branch office will be opened in this city Delaware Williams Local Man ager Agents wanted Apply 4at tbe'7 Afro American office oc29tf EXPLAINED wife thinks tie is the smartest man on answered Miss Cayenne think so She merely makes Blisrsrins thinks she thinks Wash ington Star DUBIOUS promptly obtuned OR WO TEE Trde lArkR Caveats Copyrights and 'Labelf registered TWENTT YEARS PRACTICE Highest references Send mod 3 aketeh or photo for free report on patentability All busineM confidential HAND BOOK KEE Explain everything Telia How to Obtain and Sell Pat anta What Invention Pay How to Get a Partner explain best mecnr nical movement and contain 300 otheruttjecU of Importance to inventors AddreM WILLSON CO 753 Street North WASHINGTON 0 NO ICE The Cooking Class will on Thur day December 1 at 7i at tb A 1200 Druid Hill avenue All persons wishing to join the class will please leave name and address I Matron T'erms: 00 for balantp of the terra Miss Evelyn Mackhll Chair BIRTHDAY PARTY 5 On last Tuesday evbning a birth elay party yyasjgiyep at 522 Gold street pars Annie nriscoe ner nepbeu James Briscoe A very pleas ant time was spent by those present afnong'whom were "Misses Annie iscdev Bertie Ran dall lorina Maud Kelson" Maud Jefferson ElefioVa and lien Sheppard Au' Masteers Joseph 'Briscoe Charles Kelsons Virgil WilliameEf nest Brisr WV UM LDl HE CALLED HER SHE CALLED HIM a 'worried 'look Boston xA 3c CMote MUSINGS Continued rom Page6ne rtilrO Qnll th AXA A TO wa9 well rai ed by uer parents iney have three daughters and 'I hope the 'b' 'irood Lord will tpare their lives to bring Jf them np in the way they should go and all will be good and right and much good will yet be accomplisht I have teen many things to encourageLi iA vivi si i ix V'! a I Will STMDd JODOfet of my next letter telling you about Holtzclaw principal of bis chool and a man who is a leader of mem and great" man I hope to be able to take his school step by Hep and bring it "before you and to beve a picture of Mr Holtzclaw I am going to teR you what a man has been able to do wrhiiuaeli and for bis race at the tame time ana 1 believethat you will rejoice with ine in knowing all of these things 4 The Legislature of Tennessee is in a wrangle in an effort to pass a street' car law of course they wnl pass Davis' of Arkansas las made a circus of himself and he is now trying to Negro edwcation I am here to telftim and all the men of his class that it will not be possible for them to do what they are trjing to do limy may stop the state from paying any money! or Negro education but the Ne Rro is way up in civilization and he is prepared to pay his own money Brother Davis had just as well go out and put a harness arouid the moon and check the sun from shining as to try to stop the Negro from: getting an educa tion The restrictions put around it will undoubtedly put more black boys and in school to prepare themsel ves We are going to have an educk tion and all there is tp it My money was out this and 1 i did not get to the meeting of the Bish CouLcil during the week It would be interesting for me to tell von that there are many no count emp ty headed men in this wurld and there are many men who are? some account and yet their heads are as empty as tne big bass uiums Yoa will find this crowd of empty headed people to gether boys and girls and so Wank are i their minds until all they find to talk about is loves you do you loves me You do no know just what I am talk ing aboutbut I want to pay mv respects to a barber in this town by the name of 'jjogan who is a good mau and who is trying to bring bis daughter up in the Uy she should go One of these sock less fellows in the town was courting the girl He told her that he loved her with all bis heart and she toid him that she loved hi and they iagreedto jnar i ry Heasktdher mother and father and while Sadie was much help to her parents She is a smart induatriolft young woman a hard and just made xP ber mind to abide the result The day waS set invitations were issued and clothes bought and I made up and that piece of flesh in breeches just left town and has not been heard of since 'z the girl is still looking tor him She has sense enough to thank God that5 he did go away and shells going to co the next best hing ano ytnae i going to school again She is gqing te i cet Romething in her head a ihot man nppds tfT Her lamer do oowfeo stay away from his house and if he does not there IWill be a big funeral in these diggings and he is right The young colored girl naust be protected and 1 wish Jbat we had more nien like Logan in this sountrj Pre pare for my letter next week God bless you and keepoa MID2IGHT Why Pay Cash 3WHEK y'ouca Btir oh 3E a syi ed i School of Art Needle Work? (Crocheting and Painting Taught at' A' Si 200 DruidHilTavenue? Tuesday and Thursday 3 to 9 tri sons atvour homeirdrsired xAnnile Orders taken A EouisVreeljfntLt 1'2 3 liu'f Mi Clara Stanley GLENN DEALER Wew and Second Hand urniture alsoHousehold Goods lDR'T HWHITE Is tTbe Greatest Tesi i Medium And Master Of Occult 1 1 aT tK ifn 1 1'' Science In The World Pianos $12475 up Matters not what your wishes chanc tn nn to ba or what von desire to know tn ur wonderful man can positively tell you taunn 5750 If Through his unequaled power he can BL the names of your departed loveA Stovesahd Household Of all kinds at 60 cents up Iron and Steel Safes Typewriters and Office urniture ronrvS390Upff Music alphonesand Musis' rom 36 cents up' 1 Credit Does More or You With Us I Than Cash Can Possibly Do' I or Yon I A SLIGHT SATISACTION cashier has absconded ad cleaned us i pouch did be eighty did! Well be a little satisfaction fori us in calling it eighty Cleveland Plain Dealer Mr THE USUAL WAY Wbat'Qid you gefffor Christmas? Lv askfme Winston Beatrice1 Why my dear up? Penelope Writing a dozen letters 5 saying they were sjust vhat Want edrJuge'y NEXT DOOR TO AN ATHEIST "Lyles Did you ever come across a more conceited fellow than Bulger? They say he is ah atheist and I be lieve he is 4 'V John II latt Tells On The Wit ness Stand How Hel Game To Mrs Elias The 'Money He His Was Would Not'Have Irsritut ed The Suit Himself New Yolk Jan The Platt Elias whmb has caused such a stir among both white and Colored people io this ciiy was brought before the public in part 4 the Supieme Court Mrs' Elias a colored woman of 35 is being ue'd bv lhe trustees for the es tate of John to recover the sum of $7G0OO0 which turn thby claim has i been' epai att from the millionaire by Mrs Ebas Mr Platt a man of 84 old feeble diclared would never have brought to public his acquaintance iwith Mrs Elias bad it not been for his if um in law ho appointed a trustee 4 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU xe 1 4 4 i Of the Colored4 Young Christian Association 1200 Druid 1 Hill corner Dolphin Wapted Cooks'Waitresses and? Chamberinaids Good Homes se cured for' Good Help 'Honrr firQnv 10 a to I Satisfied back that heart you gave me 1 The angry Prep giri crled butcher gave her "liver And the maid was satisfied Ohio Wesleyan Transcript She In your bachelortclubs wliat'ia the penalty for marrying? He Illustrated Bits ALAS YES! What changes takes place when water is converted into ice? John A change of price' Smart Set 11 PATENTS 1110 PM 1141 PM 1215 Ml 1 UK Acoom Sunday only 6115 PM SIANNAPOMS Mt Royal Station 1750 and 843 AM 1455 and 1585 PM Camden Btatlou13fc and A 11205 noon fBQO 6535 600 and 111 10 PM 4 4 REDERICK Mt Royal Station 845' J9 MM Camden Station t735 JSOO J915 and 11000 AIM 1L25 1850 and 520 PM WINCHESTER Mt Royal Station 1T10 AMnd 1243 PM Camden Station 1720 AM 1300 and t350Pld HAGERSTOWN Mt Royal Station 1845 AM1350 PM Camden Station 1000 AMy 13501400 UM Ih i iiELLICOTT CITY and MTiAIRY Camdtli Sta Itlpn 1735 5'315 AMV 1125 13J0 vj0u630 JLCcbftTIS BAY Camden Station KL28 AM XU RAY Jit Royal Station 213 PJXs StMton 100 DM ROYAL BLUE LINE OR AND NEW YORK Eastward LyCamden LfMtRrya SIreperIDaily 3 51AM jisAM Parlor and Diner Daily 755 AM A 800 A JI Buffet Par lor Ex Sun 950 AM 054 AM Parlor Diner Bun flnly 9R AM 957 AM Pkrlor Diner LEx 8un 1150 AM AlltU AM Parlor Diner Daily 56 PM A 159 PM LIMITED" Exclusively Pullman TYalnl Buffet Smoker Parlor Observation and Dininx 1 Oara Dally 348 PM 352 PM Srior Diner Daily 600 PLM i A05 PM CbaChea PhilaExrSnn 755 5M 800 PM Ccaches PhltaDaily 000 PM 9(15 PM 5 sihepers Daily 1239 AM 1244 AM i 1 local Sleeper for New York ready for occupant? in'Mt Royal Station at 1000 PM A for ATLANTIC CITY wiek daya for AT CITY daily st All trains stop at WILMINGTON (tops at viiaariirv Phlla Accoml i Accom ihlla Express Mnrerly Xcoom Phils Accom Phila Express Phila Express lies sts SINGULAR I does it feel to be they the ex salesman gives you a mighty chilly sensa tie said Chicago Tribune i i SUPPLEMENT TO AN' OLD SAYING i His Money talK3 The Promoter Yes but sometimes mighty hard to get it to listen New York Press I 7 AILED' Of course they gave you ether? So you suffer any pain4 1 by the operation Unfortunately I came to before the bill was Boston Transcript HIS IDEA LUCK very lucky with your pa tients you than $17 in unpaid bills on my Cleveland Plain Dealer WILLIE Mam ma lgh ting again Willie? I tell you to stop and count 100 whenever you were angry? But it didriU do any good ma Look what the Jones boy did while I Bazar A SUGGESTION jje I can never think of the right thing to say kt the right time! Whv you try saying the right thing sometimes even tf you get in the wrong Detroit ree Press i LvCamden LvMLRctal8un 80S AM 810 ALEx Sou 816 AM 820 Al EEx Bun 220 PM X25 PWEx Sun 520 PM 515 PJiL Sun onlj 910 PM B16 PMEx Bun 765 PMT 8 P3X nti sno Mr ns pit Ticket OflBocs Cor Ctuvrlex and Skratttta Kta A BldgL 620 Bromlmy ML Boral Station1 or Cmden Station martin Mgr PataTrM8 BAbbATT Gen Pau Aflut i If BALTIMORE AND OHIO' BA1LRUA1 iirvote additional ml vice from Mt Ito' al btniMi 4 1 Mhulv 1 Daily except Sunday? Sunday cuiy if LvMt Bojal LvOauuWlvGHICAGO (via Pitta)Daily 9 48 AM 10 to ACUICAGO(vwNewark)Daily 4 14 PMw 430 ICINTI 845 AAl a1 4 Ci NTl ST Daily t43 PM 3W Daily 10 55 PM nWl Daily (943 AM lj AJ CLEVEa Daily 800 A A Daily 4 14 PM ''Every Hour on tha llpur" from Camden station Houfly8rncn from Mount Rojtal tllton to Washington uith lyllman Serticei i WASHINGTON JTfcx Snn Accom 5MM i Express Pally M0 AM I A'll A comIjicepCSuu 635 AW Es peersExcept Sun JlffAM 720 AM preas Except Bun 760 AM' 800 AM Acjaic Daily 835 AM J'' ExpreaDaw AM 8 900 AM Express Daily 948 AM 1090 AM 45 mlnuteExxpt Bon 1065 AJL1160 AM 45 na touts Except Sun 1153 AM' 1200 Noon 1 Accom Lxcept bun 1205 Noon 1 Express Except Sun 1245 PM 1 to PALCpi 43UI9 DailyExcept Bun Except BunlXDaily Except BnrfExxeptBun United Supreme Council of Sovereign a i a brand inspectors uenerak: GRAND ORIENT AT WASHINGTON ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTT ISH RITE REEMASONS THE THTRTYTHTRD GEEE? 7 Sovereign Gran Inspectors Gener al of the Thirty Third Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite reema sons for the Southern Jurisdiction of? the United States of i Ameriia sat in triennial session oi the United Su preme Council in 'Monday and Tuesday October 17th and 18th 1904 The following officers were elected to serve for the triennial period: Smith Sovereign Grand Commander Baltimore Md A Tancil Grand Com i mander Washington i Oscar Scott Grand Kansas City Mo I think 1 hive more Dickerson Graftd Chancel lor Jacksonville ria John Walker Grand Minister of State Macon Ga James Bampfield Grand Secre tary General fiL EWashingtonDC Joseph Evans Qrand Treasurer General Baltimore Md Roger Watts Grand Auditor General Washington A A yatts Assistant Grand Au ditor General Baltimore Md Charles Johnson Grand Almon er Columbia Murphy Grand Master Gen eral of Ceremonies Baltimore Md John Moore Grand Captain of the Guards Norfolk Va i Henry Harris Grand Chamber lain Birmingham Ala WC Brown irst Grand Equer ry Richmond Va Malvin Second Grand Equerry Washington C' Major Minkins Grand Stand ard Bearer Norfolk Va Johnson Grand Sword Bear er la Walton Grand Herald Georgetown Nelson Walker Grand Scencshal Baltimore Md Where The Afro American Ledger Can Be ound on sale BALTIMORE CITY News stand 1 1 1 30 Druid Hill avenue i Pharmacy 1100 Druid Hill avenue i 'j Pharmacy Dolphin Druid Hili avenue Mnrrav 's Biddle and Eutaw Streets (Blackwell 203 Richmond Street Lefvere 949 Pennsylvania avenue Robinson 621 Eutaw Street Locks 1226 Jefferson Street Mitchell 436 Short Street Kelson 1370 Carey Street Scott 1910 Ettins Street ifer 790 Mulberrv Street Aruett Murpny 1320 Druid Hill ave MARYLAND MrsB CamnbelL Market St pocomoke Citv Mrs A 11 'Queen A "Rev Bnndiek Mt pleasant Rev i GpMartin Eastodi Skinner Havre de Grace Jas' Slmdsnn Cambridge do know about his Browli ountain Green 16 1 (IhAH LofcaWlD 1 yiRGINtA al Martin 326 Main Wilber Jones Suffolk L' Willie Wright Staunton Godfrev Lone Lexington fc SpratleyWaverly tArthur Thornton' Great Bridge 4 Charity Brown Burgess Mrss'M lagg2514 St Queen Garfield 3 Samuel Warner Anacosua jv" Mrs Julia A Gross Bennings" S' JNORXlf CAROLINA rjV Moore 14 GraceSt Leonard Kapp Winstoqi Mrs Susie Baskctyille Goldsboro Hawkins 420 Qhureh street HQfOU N1 3 LOEIDAf' Rev MooreTampa iAlbert Lewis Port Tampa James A Apalachicola' A'ATENNESSEEyy Rhodes' 5 A Jos Cocbrol 146 MeacheJ Mem phis LrfA A 3 4 rcXXSYLVJJU'v Wuokmotn i 1:1 Rodman street I like to go as fax Philadelphia on JM rarsun amcs uu German to wn 'I ''r NEW JERSEY? Mrs Carroll 1 IS Dela ware ave City Vandeford 138 Brunswick St Newark MISCELLANEOUS' 3 ''Cbs Gates 97 High street Ge Douglass Agency Proyi deuce I 1 "A Albert vnio Tob jfliWu jMitcneii oijv Ata PHARMACY' ySouthwest cor Druid Hill aventu and Dolphin St 1 Preccriptions filled carefullyaccur ately quickly and delivered prompt to all parts of the city? A full has i of Perfumery toilet 'articles aixd sick room requisets const ant lyo' handi vS Phonb Mt' Vernon 793 Md PhoneJtud 619f 5 'i iLpudernriian Words ortA vT mV '4 41 a XT CT I fc1 tatlno fTAfi tact 41 Yl ri in orunr io fcU'Vinc spuuiiv iuuij ui ujjuiHLi most meritorious of all hair tonies we will give free to every reader or A this paper (not a' sample) but a' full box size If Glossine was not the best hair tonic in all tbe whole worid this offer would bankrupt us a Glostine Queen of all hair tonics) is the most wonderful remeby for 'jg the human hair ever discovered and has astounded the whole world by its miraculous and mysterious pwer in straightening and beau I 0'tifying the human It in the result of long years of careful study and A er I 1" TLE Iva owtlrtl Ol fl I WO 1 Ot 9 if tne eajnesc resewsoea ui xxviru uai uoaumu lwoman who 18 acKuowledgoci most bkiaiui anu jiaiiJuuB xxsuuLiy OI uay OUo WUUUUIIU auuuivo u4BuvvmW a 7 manly grace" and beauty and although now 58 years of age she scarcely A looks to be 30 When asked by what mediums she had been able to so 1 successful preserver the attractiveness andVbeauty of youths Miss MartinX eaiaf Why it is very simple to me and every woman be she white or color As ed young or oil or as uglykas sin itself can become pretty shapely and I graceful if she only do as I Asa child I was never considered' Jf A pretty in fact I was noteven thought to be good lookingjand for thisa I very reason ever since was a girl of 16 Inavemade a study of such agen cies and materials which tend to beautify and adorn the human person 4 In the glorious Vegetable Id wneh nature has so bounteously be A' stowed upon us there are hundreds of innocent mediums which after my Ju long life of study and investigation I have been able to successfully blend 3 a 5 a and formulate into various preparations which enhance and preserve the 0 life and beauty ot the hair and skin I owe my own good looks and 1 youthful appearance to these preparations which are the resulta of my life 54 A Lng work As to GLOSSINE I have never known it to fail to cause the 1 hair to grow long straight soft and luxurious It matters not how A and kinky it may be and I care not if it be short broken splitting at the ends or falling out Glossine will' positively make it long soft straightand pliant It will give to the hair luster length life and boauty andnP head of hair can be so harsh and refractory but that Glnssine wijl make it" AJ so plidnt and wavy that it can be dressed with ease and in any prevailing style desired 3 It will restore gray hair to its former color maks the hair 1 out on baldspots and on the temples where the hair is usually thin and unsightly i Glossine'is highly 'sweetly and most' delicately perfumed and its color a andubsistency is very attractive to all Seeing our great success and AA With the desire to trade upon our reputation gained by long years of hon est dealing numerous unscrupulous arms are trying to 1001 tue( people iuw a i buying i spurious and harmful compounds for the hair and i kin li causes the nair to fall out thus causing baldness ana ruin mar ana aeiace the delicate texture of the human BRin in tneir wicaea aesire 10 gam money these people do not hesitate to sell the people many preparations which are dangerous to life itself order to discountenance and con demn such dishonest methods Miss Martin has decided to give a full size package of Glossine to any reader of this paper male or female who will send their namp and address Do! not 'delay' today A postal card will do We will also send our catalogue which describes in detail our liair tonics ace Bleaches and other toilet requeites Address I MISS HELEN MARTIN A Care of Continental Chemical Co No? 9 Governor St Richmond Va Address: Old: Pimlico RodMqunt iWashington ah pruers prompir Postals answered 4 1 fv hs 'Mr Platt declar 7S ed that what he gave here was given "fi willingly Mr was bad wbeu question'd Attorney Black all he was heard to say 'was or couldn 'iL Mr Black wafc Incst gentle withtbe oli man knowing he was unable to withstand his fiery questions5 herb was a smile nrr every face the court rxoom when Platt told how be called Elia Djlhe and she called him It Seemed to please him so that he turned and looked toward 'Mre'Elias but she' only locked down U7 in her lap the court prtceedins were over Mr Platt declared xhe jvas more than glad it was over with Mrs Elias whs very liberal in her gifts to ihe whites who wailed on her from behind the counter in tbe large Xdiy good stores iu this oity also HtoDr Dt Kraft and his wife 'to whom feH it isrsporled she gave a present of $5000 A worth of jewelry and a beautiful car rage wfeich she hail bujh tor them far as can be hail iteetni hs ihuugl fthe case has falhn thr ugh So far as money is concerned Mis Elias is well fix having in ner nos aeBsioD thousand of dollars ami own log thretubeantifn) is locatea St Cen'tabPark West 6velooking win of A Yytk'a rnuet popu Xlerthroughfbres h1 ttK kk I Dikii 41 1 vn 4 Atlanta GaJn A colored wouian ho tou her bom? In 4 a mv a Hirrer cix iu iuiki ivtiurjasuu hued $5 75 charged wnh aving banded ft is a well known fact that he usuaP eahinan a uocaet mirror wnicn me nsisted a ttve dopar gold pjece he PKTing' nicer no wumnu wap: ide doped with cocaine or liquor Accom Kxre' JSxptoss KxpressAcctan' JtapreM 44mrla Tt'ailtf Express Except Son 555 Express DailyS ROYAL LIM: Dally 1116 8 Accom A Daily iEytihm 1 1 Daily IV to PM i Dwilv HWP PS Express Bunday only 1210 DM VJ2 15 yvccoui oujiiurj umy Through his unequaled power he can Up call the names of your departed loveA 1 A 4 nan KW A tat 34C1U 'ftUIWI Bum UvBul lUv luciu i JUBl Id 'Z AL AW I a 4 Ia AVrt LUUUkU lurj' wuin in the flesh He has had twenty year of practical iexperience and today he has letters on file in bis office from al) parts of ths civilized world claiming him to be the most marvelous most powerful and most truthful medium on earth If you are worried or in trouble "of any kind' fail to cqnsult' thiswonderful man There are trany soi 'wcalled fnediums who have triedtogivX a poor imitation cf his work bntwaone ban approach him His reading db not consist of generalities butanesearches into the very depth of the souls iThere is but one! DR "WHITE (Professor of Occult Science) in Baltic more His address is 1 917j East Pratt I street? If you are sick and suffering! rom any complaint which seems to Vmystify you call and see Dr White to day? He is making some of the greatest cures ever known i One visit to his office? will Immediately demons Irate hie 8tfperiority HXS PATRONS AND nis STUDKHnS are bis constant advertisers Special Attention given to out of town reaier Appointments made oy phone Juount Vernon A 4 'I LrrCtS' Ll A TTRO A 4 jrftr I a 5 1 1 AW ZK 4 A js 4ST? "I SWvK 1 lnJWW1 jt ii a 1 ore LtM1 1 arv i j' x' ai c' tu tr uw a i i 4 A si Tky z'' kWW i xV'Y'u 4 lM 54 ATyK? 2 Si I 3 rl 111 I dl ill wfB 5 i III I A 1 3 1 jv'1' 1 1 I '3 I ft? fl '1 41 hi JH i I ft tJ stl 'I dl I Jtr 4K jr JB 4 aft 1 tiwr USUUuuri5yu AMU "S' apwww loL 1 4 4 I L' Al WO.

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The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 5478

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.