The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

319 1 PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 12, 1935. CHARLOTTES BRIEFS ENTERS CAMP. Mr. Henry Daalal of High Street entered an Training at Quaatico for the summer.

CONTINUES dAL A M. B. Brookmia continues 10 st on Seven and a Half PATIENT Mias Wood of .410 East jetterson Street la patient. in the University Hospital. HAS TONED OUT Martha Ashby el Ridge.

Street bad her toastia removed Martha Jefferson Hospital Wedne A CLAss TO MEET 1 The. Pallatso, Class bold to merithly meeting? tonight: 1:80 'elock at the home of Mrs. Mason Evergreen Avenue. REVIVAL The caries of revival services that bare been conducted at Rodes Church, night, June 31, brought aight with a sermon by the pastor, Rev. R.

C. Barbour, of Batesvile. AT preaching "done" by the pastor, and the church was to capacity practically. every. turiss the series of ME." FANSLER ILL A Mr.

Jacob 1. Fanaler, realdent A TE of. Lexington Avenue, this word the Lemuel Mr. for number She Woolen Mite for the SOCIETY TO the man's Society. of the Tire Church will a the home Road, -Kenday The monthly program rendered with Mr.

Ross leader. CLOB TO GIVE DANCE The wahool committee at Crosst: Woman's Club la dance bald, in the Crazat Club bouse Tuesday aight July 18, to boria st 10 o'clock. Admission to the dance will be only by fort cation carda The proceeds will re to help fray the expenses of the Com school garden. The tables In: community carded are being canned and will ba, used ha the to be served at. school next winter." Willoughby'e, orchestra, engaged to.

play for, ATTENDING NES GATHERING 2. C. manager of the 'National Reem ployment Service, and E. B. Lewis, statistician.

left this morning to altand a two day state's National Reemployment Service in Richmond. TO ATTEND CAMP. May H. Goodies, Maj. C.

Jabason and Capt. L. D. will Suaday for two stay at the Reserve Orcara Training. Camp.

Fort Meade CORPORATION COURT The of Powell Enad 'and months teres Police Court, and Gladys also given, term, both on tmmorality charges, upheld in Corporation Court this morning Tatter the appealed CIRCUIT COURT A Herman recatved: months sentence yesterday" DOOD In. Circult Court' on charge felonious POLICE COURT. Well. colored, Street, was Aned $50 and given 30. days in jail this morning Polire Court on charge of 1 sending ardent spirite drunk and disorderly conduct.

The aaly. other case la court Ass on charge of parking in bus the Bret of kla1 the painted July 12-UP Thare were more then' 150 polices men at the southeastern regional tournament. Drea crook rot with Reynold'e Virtual an Heirloom FORT WORTH, TEX. July UP Carnet swallowed pain in her side recently prompted. her consult physician.

the doo lanced and found the pin. Christian Science Reading Rooms Open Dally 11:30 to. P. 1 National Bail Batting Suite 404. Vlattora Welcome 4 DINNER IS GIVEN FOR A.M.

BARKLEY Wadsworth and Johnson to be Entertained at Farmington diaser was given o'clock evening at the Farmington Country the omeers of the Institute Public Affaire at the Calversity in acaor of sanator Alben W. Bark. ley, of Kentucky, who spoke before a large audience last night -in the Mclatire Amphitheater Af the head table with. the quest honor. were Dr.

Charles G. Mapala, director Hot the Institute; Judge John W. Fishburne; former member of: Congress; and Jadre Lemuel: Smith, of the Cireult Court. Another dinner with be riven at the Farmington Country Club at o'clock this evening. for James Wad worth and Gen.

Hugb Johnson, who will engage in a debate to be held la the Mclaure, Amphitheater at this evening: Invitations been tasued to about 50.. I Local O. E.S. To Go. To Hear Official several members of local etapter a of the: Order: of the Last star will go to: aight to celebrate with the Way nesbora chapter the oncial tion of the Grand Worthy Matron.

Mra. Marion Ames, of Norfolk, to bald at o'clock: number of State officers will for the meeting, among are: Beasle. Lasley, Grand of the Mr. Phillips, Grand Martha of Hot Springs; Mr. and Mri.

A Coeden, Grand Patron, and Worthy Grand Matron, -of andria, and Mr. apd Mrs. Me. Part Worthy Grand Patron of aumber delegatione from asearby chapters. are attend this event? 6 More Paralysis Cases In Virginia RICHMOND, July infantile were.

reported today to the. Scale Heath Department the total alace June 1 and lag to the sumber since July 4, Dr -C. Commissioner, outs. that of the six only one, from report ad from a' county which, had not previously reparted the Rigid quarantine la being forced. 6 warning that should kept a from crowds and crowded.

places." The State Health" Department has made call for federal distance; The six new were reported two each from Halifax County and Petersburg. and one each from and Counties, One of the cases reported, yester. day the County, health. officer was a reeldent County Dr. Riggia Man Is Arrested For Operating Still George R.

Nolan was brought United States Commissioner yesterday Claude Tardley, and pleaded runty to charge a stilt Nolan was captured while open sting the still near Thelma, by raiding party "headed by Alexander, agent, tax U. of -Harris held 8500. ball. the October term the Court, la Harrisonburg. PROPOSED TAXES CALLED 'MENACE' Pre Pago group that surrounds the President and seema to have his eat -there are numerous conspirators who da not weat.

prosperity. to retura and wha do not. want to prirate property tp this country discredited that the doctrines af Karl Marx shall be substituted for. those of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Cleveland, Theodare Wilson Ferguson, new president of the Time "Instruments controlling the western Clock, of Lasalle, Minela, and the Both Thomas Clock. of Thomasten, told the mittee: the suggested graduated tax would load an unjust burden on concern.

He offered an amendment which would hoiding A companies using prodts for subsidiary pany expansion from the graduated Two, years of encourages ment led to the establishment of 10,000 new tarn familles. of whom 13.0 per cent came from cities 3 Lobbyists -Work Despite. Probe If 4. Walls congressional Into Wasbington, pleaders of special causes Brobeck flatt) of the Veterans of Foreign Taylor fright) of the American Legion, the, bonus to Rep. Knutson Minnesota Corcoran (below).

R. attorney, was INSTITUTE NEARS SESSION'S CLIMAX 14 is to that antee, must establiah a set of rules tor, the game which make the right of property a right which citistai can enjoy, "The new continued this woman speaker the this roundtable, Mike covernment under the Americonstitution. strives the blessings of to the poor ple of the United think d. no differen in this country, as to whether. security la matter rovernment concern.

"I our Democracy is to continue, security and liberty must' coexist within that area -it covers The deal altitude toward business la to forward the achievement by the American people of the mate. security without whieh they cannot pelitical. sad that: through methods provided by the the said. la. sopeja; Dr Kandel told the educational round table that- two problems are common to CoUn the problem of adolescent education and the problem af over production of.

The two la practice constitute one problem," he said, The depreesions since the war have bad the effect of depriving adolescents of opportunities: for. satisfactory it la aspected that technological advances this condition may remain- permanent. la its Immediate atfects this situation cis resulted: in the orercrowding echoota, sad since schools by tradition are the getaway to the universities. there 14 an Influx late the higher tions consequently late the liberal professions "There no la -coolieEurope which has not been affected to this way: England since the war has found. an outlet for the University trained Individuals and industry: certain in.

European countries pres watch attached certificate or alaniveraty diploma as well dednite econo mic conditions has militated against this solution. The social and political ties not in excessive amount of education the tear that the without am ployment: become leader of political malcontents or, la the Japanese phrase, harbor dangerous Utility Men Spent. $300,000, One Says WASHINGTON, July 1-UP Evidence that more than $100.000 had been speat. by public utility executives in ant effort to. defeat the provision in the Utilities But to holding companies 'in years was.

calved today, ty, the Senate Lobby It came from Pallip H. Gadsden of Palladelphia, chairman of committee of public utilities. ex tires formed to oppose the abelltion The fate: of this provision aired by President Roceevelt, to la doubt, The Senate approved it by. cal vote margia. and.

the house 'twice rejected mitten of representatives the branches will try to adjust differences. i GOLDSBORO. N. C. July -Deputy Sherif Brand Lamb has as for unregistered He also has eye for atiques.

About to apply the to an. Megal sun, his caught an: Inscription that made in Bristol, 151 years The State museum his discernment. I I REHEARSALS HELD FOR MUSIC FETE Local Choirs Will Go Massanetta Springs Next Friday: men- sad women, entiag the chotra of local churches, pian to take part in the Sacred Music Festival at Springs Friday, July 10th. These: local: singers are being Mr. Arthur and director of the choir of the First Methodist Church They will have two more rehearsals fore the Festival; Monday, July and Tuesday July at the Social Hall First Methodist Church: Mr.

Lahman of the Westminster Choir School, N. and assistant. to Dr. John Finley of head of the ste: Choir- School and director Lisa netta School of Baered will meat with, the. local choir for their Anal rehearsal Tues day evening la the First Methodist Crurch: A fun attendance of those participating is urged for these last two rehearsals CROZET CROZET, July 1-Mre.

Jarman has an her guests J. B. Jarman and Mrs. Thomas Deeper of Keswick. Mine Russell H.

Clark and Miss Frances W. Newberry have turned to. Richmond after visiting A. J. Clark A.

de spending a days at Virginia Beach. Prat. and Mrs. H. Cale and Miss Nan Hunter: McComb.

recent Washington and Mra. Leonard Sandare at home after -ind Mrs. R. J. Powell ha Roanoken The Rev.

Mra. J. M. Coody and Miss -Jade Hathaway Cosby have returned from a viett to ington, and have AS. Jones.

Miss Mildred Jones and Mra. Georgia Willas of Irv Ington, Ver Miss Norman Mitchel of ta, to visiting Mra. G. B. Way land Apple Green." Mrs.

F. W. Clark. who spent the winter Richmond, la now of Mri. A.

J. Clark. Mri. M. P.

Mitchell. the Misses Mildred Mitchell, Kitty Nelson, Clark, Mesors, Walter Mehringat Cato Virtiala Powell are Mineral spending Springs. wet G. Res of Nelly's Ford guest la the home of Mrs. The Misses Maggie and Hattie Morris of Clifton Forge and W.

D. Hudson of Covington have quests at "Sunny Front. Miss Edith. Humphrey has spending some time with-Mrs. W.

J. Humphreye at "Hu and Data. Harry and and Schults Rochester, Par are spending come time with Mrs. J. L.

Murray: Mr. 'and Mrs. Samuel -Belew-and Garrison entertained at picnic dinner and. wetner roast. la.

Sugar Those present were Mr. and Mri. Below, B. K. Garrison, and Mrs.

Charles Thurston, Mr. and Mre: Curtis Belew, Miss Bettie Wood Below, J. C. Burnett. of North Carolina.

who le the guest: of his aunt Mrs. Curtis Below, ire: Kirby. of. Michigan spending the rummer. Mr.

Garrison. IL: Clarke have had as their. questa Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

Clarke and Mias Midred D. a Winds Baker of mother, Mrs. W. T. Humphreys.

Donald: Shreyer spending time with relatives la Ohio. Mr. and Hugh Sandridre rialted Mrs. L. J.

Sandridge at Doylerville this -end. Lalia home from vialt to Brooknest, where she risited her brother, W. Mays, and in' Roanoke, where was the quest. of her daugh Mrs. Harry Kessler.

has had ruests "Apple Green" Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Jack Cameron of and Lyn wood Humphreys and Miss Irma Blankenship of Danville: Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.

Humphrey: and Miss Marquerite Humphreya of High Point, N. C. have returned to their homes after visiting Mr. J. L.

Hamphreys. C. M. Miller Jr. has had rests Mre.

Madeline Mescue, of Richmond and Mr. Dudley of Newport News. Mrs. A. P.

Rhodes, and Dr. P. Rhodes have returned to their home on St. George Road, after. vialting in Waynesboro.

Mrs. E. Rosenkrans has had ruests Kr, and Mrs. Leon Rosenkrans of Washington. Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Sandridge, C. W.

Sandridge and the Misses Morelle, Edith and Anne Saadridge. are at home from week at Buckroe Beach. Mrs. M. Washington has quests Mr.

and Mrs. L. B. in Mine Daria Will Try For Endurance Record Associated Press Photo "Beverly Dodge (left) and Henrietta Bumper are shown ready to leave Los Angeles Oklahoma City where they wilt attempt to set woman's endurance Might. record.

Present record la nine days. hours. BRITAIN MAKE NEW PEACE MOVE Bir Samuel Hoare. British For an sides that England would not cease her efforts to settle the Italo- Ethiopian dispute despite Italys determination to seek The Italian Press warned the people not to be optimistic about the The Popolo di Roma asserted, "To my -that after- this ample, Important speech peace is one step-one single nearer would be 7 Zeitorial Attacks England The newspaper said trout page editorial, "It England is dis the African attar), will have the time and the demonstrate 1 Italian Insinuations' "The future, win give Justice recognize Britain's disinterested But 11 they ate only slightly, British history, know wen that the word curs there Speculate On Official circles expressed Inter at in knowing exactly, what the British: Foreign Minister had 1a mind when be said he was ready to act- a between Italy and op the basis of the treaty of 1406 or through the que of Nations. They thought Sir Samuel, -referring to the 1100 treaty: be tween England, Italy and Franca spheres of Induence In Ethiopia, had in mind convocation -of three-poi conference.

circles that this no, Italy has no Intention -of tending conference to discuss controversy which she believes should be 'nettled directly "between herself and Ethiopia: SHOWS NO. SIGNS AIDING PLACE NOVI July 12 Though the past tow" days: have produced signs that the United Stater- to deeply concerned threatened a strife between Italy, and Ethiopia, there was DO Indi cation that cooperative with -other powers doder. consideration. That the United States to aid the world's peace chinery in averting war Hull dicated There: yesterday by Secretary was no hint how aid. would take, to what form, Hull confessed yesterday with Andre Laboulaye, French Ambinador, and Sir Ronald Lad.

say, British Ambassador, after talking the day before with rusto Rosso Italian Ambassador. Oncials: said the conversations dealt only with Information about the situation. It. was mid that Lindsay and De Laboulaye, were to rive any information In their session concerning the crisis. The state department also sought In formation about proposalsported in despatches from London -for a conference by Great Britain, France and Italy In effort to reach peaceful settle ment.

and Dan and Boyd Washington of Hyattsville, Md. Kiss Catharine Maupin. who has been visiting her aunt Gordon. 1 L. Thurston, has returned to Roanoke and as her ruert ber cousin, Miss Connie Thurston of Crozet, The and Mrs.

J. Gul ley and Willam Lewis Gulley' have returned to Richmond, after visitlas Crozet friends. FALL 15 FATAL TO AGED WOND Mrs. Henry Quick. of berene Dies of Injuries at Hospital Associated Press Photo lobbying went forward ta continued their work.

G. Ware, and John Thomas outstanding lobbyists, talked Republican Thomas testifying at. utility lobbying GIANT BALLOON: READY FOR FLIGHT Flight would be made to the accident as nearly as possible ta an effort to determine the cause They planned to examine the do tach by inch to see wher how the break occurred Before the collapse wan concentrated in the top of which was to about one eighth its capacity: This to allow for. expansion In sun's beat. Fatte W.

Money.of the Army. Air Corps 'st Scott one of the men. who top: of the described the mishap was working on top of the roadola," "Suddenly I felt the ropes slacken: The thing I. knew the fabrie came down on the ciety, which Ananced the, $115,000 pedition, would not cemment mediately regarding the possibility later 92 Have Applied At Naval Station There have been applications for enlistment at the local Navy Recruiting Station, announoed today, la summary of the iritias of" the office Ince opened last March. Thirty-nine of.

the applicants passed physical and education examinations and of these, there hare been three' enlistments. are al present on the siting list, plus 19 whose papers yet been completed. of the jectiona, 47 were due to failure pass the physical examination and were rejected for other During the same period, there have been in the entire Richmond nd are on the waiting There: total of 1, 161 applications. President May Act In Pearson. Dispute settle the Virgia hinted today la circles.

Brewing for more than the island's trouble pot finally bolt over. into blazing 'feud tween Secretary and a leading. yesterday. to No official would comment lichy, but. rumors perpiated Gov.

Paul M. Pearson and T. Web her, Pederal. tutor the lelands. would step out their Na obtained.

and, Wilson chief characters ta the senate investigaof, administration which was abruptly postponed The post ponement nounced after chairman of the la vestigating committee. and had called the House. W.C.T.U. Will Hold A Joint Meeting Citizenship" will the subject to be discussed joint -meeting of the Clare Martin Christian. Temperance: Union and the Charlottesville branch of W.

C. T. which will be held Monday evening at o'clock, the tome af Mrs. George Rebel Fry's Spring Road. Mrs.

George Burgess is la charge af the program, and Mre. Sarah will be the, speaker of the evening SANITARY AREA HEARING IS SET light and. power, sad. gas and to acquire secesmary landa. To require property owners end terants to make connections.

To Ax the rates of charge for use ens provide for their collection. Ta. and of employees. levy and- collect an annual tar poo the property in: such- die trict Incident to maintaining and operating these oysters. "Through a contract with, 1 the Are department the area may be insured Are protection.

The garbage and disposal and police protection may be arranged with the city or may be taken care of by the dis trick Yesterday Second Hottest Of Year Yesterday to the hottart, day of the Summer, the merfury mounting to 9 degrees. The previous high of the mason degrees on June to The minimum temperature Bight o'clock was reading 73 degrees, and the 9 this morning degrees, indicating another hot day: The direction of the was The Weather Bureau forecast for generally fair weather tonight, followed by local thundershowers in north portion late tonight or and in south portion. Saturday; warm tonight but warm Saturday, and cooler Saturday night Crowds nocked to the swimming: poola, seas. the city to escape the tatense best: Company To Hold Employes' Outing members Local stat af the Virginia Pablic Service Company da this: city Sunday to attend outing at the in the Waynesboro district, to be held at Crafton. Park, near Staunton.

Mr, and: Mrs. Evans, tie be guests of the ployes st the Mr. la division manager of the Virginia Public: Service Company; white 1 I. Carruthers formerly of the University, tai manager of the Way nesboro district. Fare Jenale Quick, wits i Henry o'clock Quick, of Alberene, din the yesterday afternoon University Hospital, sult of sustained la at her home, resulting da: riage, Mrs.

Miss Jenale before 1 Toms the. late Joe County, and was 83 years Four children survive, Heary VeCue Quick, of Alberene; and Everett Quick, of There are several grandchilo Mrs. Quick also leaves brother, James Toma, of boro. The will be held o'clock tomorrow morning-: the residence, and interment be in RockAsh. Baptin' Gresadeld, Nelson Orate: EDMUND D.

CARTEL "Funeral. rites for Edmund Carter, leading ow farmer northside of the county who at 8:30 o'clock yesterday at ala-home be held at o'clock afternoon from. Buck Mt. 1 pal Caurch, the service to be ducted by the Rev. 8.

Interment will be la the ground at the church. Mr. Carted was a son of James Carter, of Philaded while bi mother, before marries was Miss Frances Daria, of marie County. Mr. Carter married Mine len, of this county, who died 1, 1982.

There are so drea. Surviving are averal and nephews. HARRY: BEID Funeral rites for. Harry Crimora, who died at Untreat Hospital as a result of jafuries a tained when heavy tree which wing Lynburm-1 across his back Tuesday mora were beld at 3:30 o'clock yestart, afternoon at Chapel, Crimora. A Mr.

Reid, who year age, la survived by his widow; daughters and three soda J. T. DOBRO Mrs. Alice Dobba, wife of 1510 Grove Street, at. her residence.

at 4 o'clock afteracon, following stroke of Besides her husband, Dobbe is survived by one tor. Mrs. T. J. Pote, of Shipma Nelson County.

There are grandchildren. Mrs. Dobbe also leaves one 1 ter, Mr. x. L.

of. andris. The funeral will be held the residence at 3 o'clock tome row afternoon, the service conducted by the West, assisted by the Rev. liam H. Laird, rector of St.

Memorial Church, at the Unte Interment will be 1n Cemetery. A CHARLESTON, July UP With the drive expected net total of between 1.500 000 houses, 800 houses bare been condemned health officers here. "The houses have roots" that Ni fallen in, steps dilapidated, tary facilities windows, whole families crowd Into anew mialf: room, poorly tilated room no water, and are broke 666 Arst MALARIA COLDS Liquid- Tablets Drops New Crop Turnip Seed ALL VARIETY SNAP BEAN KALE Seed for late planting Fitzhugh Bros. Con Inc. DRUGGISTS AUTO DELIVER PHONE 189 For Hot Weather Relief Let from us help you "ret summer will be whor* than glad to bring any Westinghouse Fan to your home and explain its Call many for outstanding features coolness NOW! $349 up Gilmore, Hamm Snyder Ar Ar A.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.